
Why am I so thirsty??

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In the last couple of weeks I've been constantly thirsty and drinking much more than usual (I drink quite a lot anyway). Nothing seems to be able to quench my thirst. I havent been doing anything different, I dont drink a lot of caffeine etc - I just cant figure out whats goin on. Any suggestions?





  1. You should see your doctor and get tested for diabetes.

  2. go to your doctor and get tested for diabetes, a constant thirst is one of the signs that you may have developed it.

  3. You are pregnant.  Have you checked?

  4. maby u have been eating too much meat and ur body is trying to detox?

    i thought u were a doctor


  5. Heya,

    Drinking lots of water is usually healthy. However, the urge to drink too much beyond a certain limit may be the result of an underlying disease, either physical or emotional. Excessive thirst may be a symptom of high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), and can be an important clue in detecting diabetes.

    Excessive thirst is a fairly common symptom. It is often the reaction to fluid loss during exercise, or to eating salty foods.

    Causes for this can include

    A recent salty or spicy meal

    Bleeding enough to cause a significant decrease in blood volume


    Diabetes insipidus

    Drugs such as anticholinergics, demeclocycline, diuretics, phenothiazines

    Excessive loss of water and salt (possibly due to not drinking enough water, profuse sweating, diarrhea, or vomiting)

    Loss of body fluids from the bloodstream into the tissues due to:

    Conditions such as severe infections (sepsis) or burns

    Heart, liver, or kidney failure

    Psychogenic polydipsia, the result of a mental disorder, is a condition causes a person to drink too much

    Because thirst is usually the body's signal to replace water loss, it is usually appropriate to drink plenty of liquids.

    A very strong, constant urge to drink may be a sign of a psychological problem, which may mean psychological help is needed.

    For thirst caused by diabetes, follow the prescribed treatment to properly control blood sugar levels

    If your worried at all please go and see your family GP, In order so they can order some tests and find out and treat what is going on for you my sweetie. So you can feel lots better.

    Hope i helped


  6. omg. the same thing is happening to me, I have gotten to the point where i am drinking 8 bottles of water A DAY.

    But I could have diabetes, because it runs in my family on both sides. I am actually getting checked tomorrow, so you should get checked too just in case.

  7. I'm with the others, it is a classic symptom of diabetes. I think in the UK, Lloyd's pharmacy offer a test for diabetes or failing that just book to see your doctor and tell them your concerns and symptoms. Try and cut down on the caffeine and drink proper thirst quenchers, particularly water as caffeine and fizzy drinks never quench your thirst, try to avoid excessive salty foods too as that'll make you want to drink more, good luck finding out x

  8. I would go get your thyroid checked out

  9. You could try just drinking water, it quenches your thirst more than any other drink.

    - maz.ox

  10. you need to go to the doctor

    and ask to have a test for diabetes all you have to do is wee in a container

    i am goin 4 a test 2morro
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