
Why am I starting to have dreams and thoughts of a person no longer in my life that I used to love?

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I'm starting to have dreams and thoughts of my ex-girlfriend. I knew her since we were 9 and started dating at 13. I never got a chance to say good-bye. Something major happened that I haven't the slightest clue. The last time I saw her, I gave her a kiss good night, and she called me her husband, and in turn I called her my wife. That was about 2 and a half years ago. I haven't seen her since. I'm about to turn 23 on the 28th of this month and haven't had these thoughts and dreams the entire time, until now. I don't know what happened that would make me lose her, I was sick at the time. But I wasn't having thoughts and dreams about her until late June this year. I moved on with my life, but why is this happening now, when everything is calm and peaceful for me?




  1. I think you need to try and find her, so you can get on with your life, or maybe even rekindle an old flame!!

  2. have ya seen the movie "the note book"..may be the love for the girl is still there in ur heart..ur heart is not giving up..getting the right person in life is the toughest and most important thing in life..and ur hear knows that..wish u all the luck in her pursuit.

  3. mayb u still have feelings about her maby if shes singel ask her out again

  4. who knows?

    maybe you still love her or you miss her.  

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