
Why am I still experiencing nausea at 19 weeks pregnant. .?

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It's driving me crazy. People keep saying it will be over soon. They were saying that when I was 13 weeks. Does anyone have an exact date so I can put it on my calender. I'm praying that this wont last throughout my entire pregnancy. It seems like the nausea has been getting worse lately as well. Is that how it works? Does nausea have to go with a bang before it completely stops. HELP!!!!!!!!! And i don't like anything ginger, so dont say it please. Ginger ale and crackers. It's all an evil trick designed to make you think that these things will make you feel better anyway.




  1. my doctor prescribed me diclectin for my morning sickness. If you dont want to take pills you can get a B6 shot to boost your energy. My first pregnancy I was sick all the way up to my third trimester, and this pregnancy I was only sick from 4 weeks to 22 weeks, so its all different with each pregnancy.  

  2. I lasted until the day I was pushing to have my baby..

    So, no body can't tell when it will go away !

    Good luck and I hope they go away soon !

  3. I'm 23 weeks and this morning I begged the doctor to put me back on Reglan for my sickness...Instead I was told to take a vitamin B complex before bed each night, and if I could stand it a unisom (sp?) as well. I'm gonna try the B tonight and hope I don't get sick or as sick as I normally am tomorrow.

  4. I am 16 wks and still having some problems with morning sickness.  With my first baby I threw up for 5 1/2 months, it was horrible.  Unfortunately there is no magic date to be circled on your calendar, however my ob/gyn did suggest a B6 supplement along with half a unisom, it did help.  But there is also a prescription med they can give you if its bad enough, i'm sorry but i can't remember the name of it.  give the B6 10mg a shot, it can't hurt.

    hope you feel better soon.

  5. Everybody is different. MOST women only experience morning sickness until the start of their 2nd trimester, where it gets much better, or disapears completely (that was my case). Other women never get it at all, and some unlucky few get it the entire nine months (my mom was this way). No one can tell you exactly when your morning sickness will go away.

  6. A friend of mine had acupuncture and it stopped her pregnancy symptoms so much that she thought she was loosing the baby.....of course she wasn't the doc said it is one of the best cures.

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