
Why am I still on level one and I have like 140 points?? Help!?

by  |  earlier

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It's so stupid because well I don't get that! Y1 ANswers says you have to have 132 points to be on level 2 ? Rite?

SO wtf? Help me!




  1. you need 60 more point  to make it to level 2

  2. i thought it was like 250

  3. I think you're looking at how many MORE you need

  4. level 2 is 250

  5. get 250 points

  6. 250 points. You have 132 more points TO GO untill you get the level two. Hope I helped =)

  7. you have to have 250 points before you are on level 2.

    when you click on your name, go down to the little box that tells you your points. there it will tell you how many points you have, how many points you have earned this week, and how many points until you are level 2.

    getting to level 2 is the easy's after that, that's hard.

    good luck!

  8. Level 2 is at 250 points.

    Click on your level and scroll down to see the list.

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