
Why am I such a scaredy cat?

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Every time my husband goes away for any period of time I am so anxious about it. He only goes away on one trip a year but this week he is going up to a friends camp for a guys weekend. I am staying home with our baby boy. I am so so so so anxious because I know I won't be able to sleep and I will feel scared all night. I have to quickly change the channel on the tv whenever a commercial for anything remotely scary comes on. I hate feeling like this. How do I get over it. I am scared of the dark like a little kid.




  1. Could you have a friend stay another male maybe?

    I am sure that is not the most ideal situation but we all have to do things that scare us from time to time. I understand your fears though but it won't be as bad as you think find something to focus on when baby is sleeping maybe be creative. Good luck :)

  2. why dont you invite a friend to stay over or a relative....or vice versa.

  3. Get a dog, not those small toy dogs but a real dog. You'll feel much safer.

  4. The simple answer is: Grow the heck up. Were you like this before you met and married him ? Girlish childishness is cute... for about 10 minutes, flat. Then, it becomes dealing a a *child*. No healthy man wants to marry/

    stay married to a child. In any case, you're an adult, so YOU have the responsibility to behave as an adult. This is one area of that, so as the saying goes, Just Do It.  

  5. You need to learn how to be independent.  You are a Mom be strong.  What if something happens to your husband you will have to learn how to be by yourself at night.  It really isn't hard.  Stop watching T.V if that scares you and put on some nice music or chat on line that will get your mind off of being scared.

  6. I'm the same way heheheh  What I do is have a girls night at my house or go and get my kids friends and cousins for a kiddie movies and eat ice cream hehehe  I am sooo afraid of the dark, and will admit it too

  7. I get exactly the same way when i'm alone.  Honestly, yea scared of the dark.  Just leave a light on, or even a few lights on.  I like to watch light hearted comedies right before I go to sleep.  Like Reba, or Everybody Loves Raymond.  Don't go to sleep right after watching Law & Order SVU for example! Leaving the TV on helps me go to sleep too.  

    Also remember: There is nothing in the dark that isn't there once you turn on the light.

  8. You better hope and pray he's not actually spending the weekend with a beautiful, confident, grown-up woman because if he leaves you- you might fall apart.

  9. OMG I sooooo feel for you.  I am the EXACT same way.  My husband is military and is gone all the time.  I sleep with every light in the house on.  Frequently visit my neighbors and ask them to make sure the lights are off the next morning because I'm afraid that the lights are like a beacon in the night telling the entire world that "HEY I'm alone, come rape and murder me" and yet I'm terrified of the dark when I'm alone and if the light is off in any room I won't go in for fear of what is in there waiting for me.  I can't watch anything scary unless my husband is in the room with me.  If he leaves the room I pause or turn it off.  I thought I'd grow out of it over time and because he's gone so frequently but nope.  I've tried everything.  I know it's irrational and yet.........still scared.

    Funny thing is that in the outside world I'm an animal.  You cut me off in line and I'll tear you a new one.  I think the reason I'm so worried when I'm at home is because this is "my place".  I should feel safe and I do I'm just scared of random stupid stuff.  Outside my door I'm the monster :)

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