
Why am I the home wrecker?

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I am getting awsome s*x from a nice, tan, smoking hot, married latino (I eat breakfast off his a$$ because it is so nice). I don't want any emotional attachment and I don't want to clean up after him and cook and take care of his kid.

He is the one breaking his marriage vows - NOT ME. I don't owe any loyalty to his wife. So why do chunky housewives have a problem with ME and not the husband? I think that is ridiculous. Why are women judged more harshly than the married men?




  1. Because you HELPING him break his marriage vow. And you will be nothing better then second best to anyone.

  2. well, when your husband  decides to f*****k another woman, lets see who you are mad at.  and i am not a chunky housewife.  lol get real.  we do not sit around and eat bon bons.  karma is a b*tch

    you sound dirty anyways, i hope he doesnt give her something

  3. You may need to see a therapist. This kind of rationalizing is simply not normal. You know you are doing wrong and Karma has already been set in motion for you dear. And to be honest, just because he offered - didn't mean you had to accept. Sorry ma, but there is no loophole in this one for you to get out of. But remember you are only responsible for YOUR actions...not his, nor his wife's. So while you are so busy trying to load off all the blame on him because he took vows - why don't you share the load for helping to destroy what God has blessed. Look at what YOU are doing...he will get his. And so will you. Karma.

  4.   It takes two to tango.  By being w/ him you are enabling him to break his vows.  Ask yourself how you would feel if you were the wife.  Have some d**n pride and find your own man.

  5. Why dont you learn how to respect another woman's marriage and leave her husband alone.

    Your nothing but a w***e

    Find your own man preferably single.

    I hope when and IF you ever get married your husband screws around on you lol.

    Your probably not the only "other" woman in his life.

  6. Well, it is a bit dishonest to have a thing for a married man.   But, I think you're making a good point.   It's the men that are really being the jerks.  They are the ones breaking their vows, dishonoring their families and betraying their children.

    So, you have a good point.  I don't understand why the women blame you.  I don't think you are a very honest person; however, the wives should not be blaming you, they should be blaming their husbands.

    I'm not married, but I'm planning on getting married soon.  If my soon-to-be hubby cheated (now or in the future), I'd blame him.  He made vows to me, he dedicated his life to me, he's the one that has to look me in the eye, he's the one that controls his actions.....never someone else.  He's an adult, with a mind and he knows right from wrong.  He's the one I'd be pissed at, not the women.  I would think she was dishonest.  But, is it her fault?    No, she didn't say those vows to me, he did!!  Bottom Line.

  7. Because you're a s***k with no morals. YOU know he's married. And actually, women are not judge more harshly than men. Women always suspect men are cheating because men are more likely to cheat. Just because you're desperate for attention and you can't find your own single guy doesn't mean she's going to let you off the hook.

  8. You are nasty and the problem is since he is married you need to respect his marriage

  9. why are you with a married guy? That desperate? He belongs to someone else!  

  10. You really need to play with your own toys and maybe work on that ego thing too... remember what  goes around comes around. why the concern anyway? You seem slightly defensive, maybe little pangs of guilt?

  11. I see your point, but you know he is married.  

  12. Why would you evan want to be the "side dish" that he runs to.

    Just because this man has no respect for his wife and no morals doesn't mean you can't...but obviously you don't

    People call women like you home wreckers, because you don't care about anything or anyone.  

    We do judge married men just as harshly...but men usually don't post questions like this because they are afraid to get caught.  

    I hope you can grow up and see that one day this could be you.  What if your father did this to your mother, or someone did this to your daughter?  

  13. Um ok i think your both S****y, you should know better than to sleep with someone that is married, are you that heartless that you don't feel bad for what you are doing to their family.Karma will get you on this one day when your in love with a guy and have his babies some woman will come along and sleep with him serves you right too.Also if he will cheat on his wife guess what he will cheat on you too.You apparently have no morals so me bringing up the fact that it is morally wrong will have no effect upon you.

  14. Not meaning to judge you harshly...but you seem like a fool believing he loves you. but then your sitting home alone when he is in bed s******g his wife and he is loving her. Your just a piece of a$$ to him.....which is not too much in anyones eyes.

  15. HI Katie, It _may_ be because the women don't want to blame their "sweet hubbies" for cheating with you?  The man is far worse than the women in this situation because he has gone against God and the vows made to his wife, he is the adulterer as you pointed out.

    Seriously I can't figure out why women blame the women for taking their "Man" away or blame you for their bad marriage? It may not be the best long term situation for the women(you), but if you aren't interested in marriage or anything beyond what I call Tuesday afternoons you aren't responsible for HIM or his p*nis.

  16. Wow. I think it's time for you to leave & not look back.. Why would you wanna be involved with someone who's married?? That's low & just crazy leave him, or it'll get worse!

  17. it's true you don't owe her anything... but i mean.. how about you find a hot s**y tan *SINGLE* latino instead... and avoid the whole drama... and being part of the divorce cause of a family... that's what a woman did to my family... obviously it was my dads decision at the end... but she knew he was married with 3 kids... and she didn't care... she just wanted his money... i mean there are a lot of SINGLE MEN out there... look somewhere else

  18. You are BOTH equally guilty because you are still having s*x with him and you know he is married. How would you like it if the roles were reversed and it was your husband and she was doing him.

  19. Some day you will be married or have some 1 you love> And if his as= was some 1 platter for breakfast how happy would you feel > He is harshly judged as he has betrayed his wife and family> Beside if he contracts a disease or gives 1 then the public is now involved>

    Did you use a napkin or TP For a serviette>

  20. So why do chunky housewives have a problem with ME , because you cant become involved and not become a part of the situation. I'm sure the husband is in the dog house also,....

  21.   Woman put allot of hours into there men and you come along thinking its ok to use it . About the same thing as a person moving into your house that you dont know or care to know . Your trespassing on private property . You have no respect for anything or anyone but yourself . As far as the man goes well he is $hit to  

  22. There will come a time when you will regret your behavior,it usually comes when someone like you falls in love with one of there affairs and in turn goes through the heartache of getting cheated on,it will come and then this question will look as stupid to you as it does to all of us

  23. There would be any adultery without two people in it together. If you know he is married, than you are both conspiring to have the affair.  

  24. I hope you wash his A$$ first!  Have you told him how you feel about taking care of him and his kid? LOL Might want to wash that A$$ a little better next time. Cause if hes breaking his vows for you and is that good in bed, I would be wondering who else is eating off that A$$.

    Not all house wives look like you and not all are chunky but all know WHO AND WHAT you are! Home wrecker LOL!

  25. are you kidding me! well lets see why are you the home wrecker for starters your just as guilty as he is lets not forget your the adulterer too, you do owe loyalty to his wife believe it or not you owe it to her not to sleep with her husband. is this a serious question do you not see the sin your committing. truthfully if you really fell in love with a guy and you 2 decide to get married, you pop out a few kids 2 years latter and he decides he ain't getting what he wants at home so he decides to go to some s**t sort of like your self and gets what he think he needs can you say truthfully you would not resent her in any way for knowing he was married with kids. ok maybe i shouldn't refer to you as a s**t sorry but this is making me mad. lets not leave the guy out of this he is dead wrong for what he's doing i really feel bad 4 the wife does she no about you, i wish i could talk to her. yes your a home wrecker and so is he. their is a little thing called karma and it goes around.  

  26. Hey, if that ugly Mutt can leave Shania Twain, it can happen to anyone, and she is far from being a 'chunky housewife'.  You must not be as 'hot' you think if you can only get married desperate men. You're a joke.

  27. Ooo. Well, I suppose it's because the woman is jealous that you are probably way better looking than she will ever be. Plus, if her man is so "smoking hot{", she won't blame it on him, because she probably is too in love with this guy who is two-timing her.

  28. Ask his wife what the problem is.  I am sure she would love to tell you.

  29. I would say it's a bit sleezy to bother with married men.

    They aren't worth it even if they're hot.

    I just can't bring myself to find any married man attractive enough to say I'd want to eat breakfast off his a$$ or have anything sexually to do with him. Believe mw, I get why you are with him, it's easy not having to worry about real life, bills, kids, family, etc... but someday when you do want those things, remember what you just typed when your man find someone just like you. It tends to make you rethink your views.  

  30. Because your the sl&t he keeps going back to. Your the sl&t that is ruining what is suppose to be sacred. Your ruining the chance for this man to be completely faithful. And all women hate sl&ts like you...not just the chunky married ones. And yes you do owe loyaltys to this woman..your diddling that man that she married. You have NO rights in this relationship. And why should you? Your just 2nd best. Nothing more, nothing less. And you will always measure up to a pimple on a bull's d&ck...all you are is just a cheap f&ck...nothing special.

  31. Because you know he is married and don't much care about the consequences regarding breaking up his marriage or having a jealous wife stalking you.  Just because he is the one breaking his vows doesn't let you off the hook.  Apparently you have no qualms about hurting other people and being the cause of future misery.  You don't sound as if you have much of a conscience.

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