
Why am I too sympathetic? Why don't I get the same amount of sympathy?

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Sometimes sympathy becomes a mark of weakness. When we are too weak, people will make use of us, for their selfish needs. So at times one should be hard! Yet I can't be so.




  1. Firstly, the one who has faced hardships and difficulties of life himself is able to sympathise with others. My Mom had cancer and due to God's grace she came out of it triumphantly. My family saw a lot of challenging days. But in the end, I realised I had come out as a stronger and better person. As a result of this experience I can feel the grief of people who are undergoing same problem. I can help them better because I know how it is.

    We feel more miserable because most of the times our focus is on ourselves. Our feelings,our emotions,our needs. If we can just come out of ourselves will we start thinking about others. The more we help out others the more we feel peaceful. Then we won't require much of sympathy.

    Please! Please! Do not expect sympathy from people. Expect it from God. He in turn will direct other peoples hearts to sympathise with you. Don't keep faith in the "CREATED" keep faith in the "CREATOR"

    God promises in His Word that if we are right with Him, He will make even our enemies live at peace with us.

    Think about it!!!

  2. Some people are born with such qualities. It is not bad to be sympathetic. Be always sympathetic to deserving people only. You need not be sympathetic to people who pretend and try to take advantage of you. Be smart. Try to know the other person. Once you have given sympathy, I feel you should not analyze or probe why the other man has taken undue advantage of you. If you want to sympathize and help, help otherwise decide not to help. Once you have extended help, forget about the incident and its repercussion.  

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