
Why am I unable to respond on Yahoo 360 ?

by  |  earlier

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< when I attempt to respond to comments or E-mail I get the response that Body is empty (message) or that I need to use between 2-80 characters etc. Nothing works . I can't even contact customer service because message won't successfully send. This is getting increasingly frustrating and I'm unsure what to do !! I doubt if this message will sen, but if it does please helpme resolve these issues !!!




  1. The reason you are having so many problems with your 360 account is ..

    We are losing our Yahoo 360 accounts very soon according to the Yahoo product blog you can access by going to this link:

    There are many problems that will not be fixed by Yahoo on the 360, and they are getting worse each passing day.

    I urge you to go to the product blog and read the information for the last three postings by yahoo about all of the changes that are coming to us soon.

  2. Not sure. But whenever there are problems with the mailbox, it&#039;s best to try to do the following:

    1) Clear your mailbox

    - Go to your &quot;Mailbox&quot; page.

    - You will see your messages listed there. Next to each message is a box. Click on it to select the box. Above the green word &quot;Messages&quot; in that same section, there is a &quot;Delete&quot; button. Click it and it will delete the messages that you&#039;ve selected. There are also a &quot;First | &lt; Prev | Next &gt; | Last&quot; links to the upper right of the section to advance to other pages if you have many messages.

    - Click on outstanding invitations (left side of page...your limit is 100) and delete them. Delete expired invitations (view the invitations and then delete them on that next screen).

    - Check your &quot;Sent&quot; folder and delete old messages.

    2) Also, for good measure, empty your browser&#039;s cookies and cache.

    Before clearing cookies, make sure you know your passwords to sites.


    For Internet Explorer see

    For Firefox, click the &quot;Clear Cache Now&quot; button under Tools &gt; Options &gt; Privacy &gt; Cache.


    In Firefox, do this under Tools &gt; Options &gt; Privacy &gt; Cookies &gt; Clear Cookies Now

    In IE, do this under Tools &gt; Internet Options &gt; General &gt; Browsing History &gt; Delete &gt; Delete Cookies &gt; Yes

    For Safari, see .

    Then, restart your computer.

    3) You can try using a different browser like Mozilla Firefox ( ).

    4) The person you are responding to may not be accepting messages from you for whatever reason. Their communications permissions may not include you in terms of receiving messages.

    If these steps don&#039;t help, then you may need to start a new 360 space under an new Yahoo ID or wait for the upcoming changes to the service. Y!360 is transitioning into a different social networking platform in the 2nd half of 2008. Yahoo is trying to centralize its profiling services - Y!Mash, Y!360, and the regular Members profile - into one. See for more details. However, they are no longer fixing bugs related to Y!360, so there&#039;s no point in trying to contact them about it.

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