
Why am i , a kid , itchy on my v****a and why does white stuff come out?

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why does the white stuff make me itchy on my v****a.and taking a bath with salt soothes the itch




  1. You could possibly have a yeast infection. You should talk to your parents so you can see a Dr.  Bubble baths can trigger an infection, along with staying in a wet swimsuit too long, or having on damp undies.  There is a simple pill to cure it if you see a Dr, and if that is what the problem is.

  2. It is probably is a yeast infection. Any odor ?? Does the the discharge have a " cottage cheese " appearance?? Yeast infections usually have no odor but, a slight odor is common. Does it have a " fishy" smell ?

    A fishy odor can indicate a bacterial infection, and requires an antibiotic  or Metrogel ( prescription only) Are you sexually active ?? I ask this because I do not know your age. Having intercourse can lead to a yeast infection.   Have you recently been on an antibiotic ?? Antibiotics commonly cause yeast infections. I apologize for the questions but, it is a way for you to think about if you are experiencing these symptoms.

    You should talk to your Mom or a close female relative. There are over-the-counter products to treat yeast infections, if this is what you have.

    I hope that this is helpful.  

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