
Why am i 'cold' towards people? helpp?

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i get that alot

does it mean im mean?


and how can i warm up to people




  1. It's a tricky one really.  Perhaps it it because you are insecure and feel as though people may not like the real you.  Therefore you act cold because at least that way, when people say 'she's a b*tch', you have an excuse.  If that is the case, then you just have to accept who you are is who you are.  That way the people who find you are worth it, and those that don't find you aren't worth worrying about.  It doesn't seem like you are heartless, just insecure.  

  2. You need to start moaning more.  Ha!!!!

  3. i'm told the same thing, i was told that it meant that you don't show emotion much (and you don't show sympathy or sensitivity towards others) ... i'd say just try to really listen to people when they talk to you and put yourself in their shoes once in a while.  

  4. try to find something in common with the person you are talking to. then you cant be mean if you both like the topic

  5. Yeah cold means that you're evil and heartless.

    You should socialize more with others and it will come naturally.

  6. going out with him

  7. Try being communicative with the people around you.

  8. do you have siblings and did you guys maybe act harshly tword one another growing up?  

  9. just means u mind your own business and u think a lot...people take not talking as being cold and indifferent..maybe youre shy too..

    u can warm up talking and being friendly..

  10. I'm an honest person. I get that a lot too. If you're honest, people look at you that way because you always speak the truth and the truth hurts.

    TIP: Be cheerful and speak to people in a nice tone with a pretty smile. Don't snap back to people's wrong doings. I guarantee you will start to warm up to people.  

  11. Maybe it is you did not experience alot of attention growing up, so subconsciously you are reminded of that and possibly have some resentment towards the one who treated you neglectfully. What is good for you, is that you realized you are that way. What you can do now, is be conscious of how you treat people, and work on your people skills, it will take effort on your part. I think you will be ok, just stay positive and optimistic and you will have no problem in the future with God's help....  

  12. Just Smiles!

  13. Age................When I was a kid I was picked on for my red hair.......Guess what. Now everyone wishes they had my hair and people I don;t know on a daily basses walk up to me to tell me what rock star I look like.........Soooooooooo Hang in there things will change

  14. Means your an Ice queen.

    Smile more?

  15. Dont feel bad I am 2

    Ive been called a bit*h once or twice.

    I just feel like being one..maybe because im 6 months pregnant? idk.

    idc my mates are the same way 2.

  16. maybe they are not the right friends maybe you hang out with the people you hang out with for the wrong reasons so i think you should drop those friends as nicely as possible and find new ones

  17. i am like that too sometimes...kinda like I just dont want to be bothered or I don't trust have to be can fake it but then you will just be I can only say try to practice random acts of kindness for people...little ones...and work on yourself..even your sprituality..good luck

  18. Well...i say this from experience, your problem most likely lies within your past. Maybe, its that you dont feel safe enough to open up to others and thats the point at which they feell that "warmness" you know what i mean?

    and the fact that you are asking this question proves that you are not heartless nor mean, just incapable of opening up....

    xXGood LuckXx

  19. maybe you come off as 'cold' because you aren't very social. You can 'warm' up to people by being nice. Just ask how their day was. Compliment them on hair/clothes/shoes and be more open. Then people will see you as a friend.

  20. ur probably not very nice to ppl or you dont care about the comments you leave them...eveven if its the brutally honest truth.

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