
Why am i always crying?

by  |  earlier

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me and my boyfriend had a pretty big fight last night he wanted to go camping and i have 40 other things to do towmorrow like my nephews birthday and my brothers birthday and he chooses to go camping and told me he forgot about everything and he left this morning and so did i and now i cant stop crying because we fight about twice a day, but there never bigg bigg fights and i love him alot and i know he loves me, but its stressful when i get up everyday and go to work and he doesnt and he sits at our house all day, its stressful and im not sure what do right now!?




  1. It sounds like you don't enjoy fights. Some people (or most) just hate the feeling of when they are fighting, especially when it is with someone they love!  

  2. i think he should have gone to the family parties with you. if its a serious relationship its important that he be able to be around your family with you. and as for you, dont cry its okay just talk to him and tell him how you feel.  ask him to try not to fight with you and say you'll do the same in return. all you can do is put out an effort not to fight and hope he does the same. i fight with my boyfriend a lot lately too but i know we both love eachother more then anything. but its jsut like you, only stupid little fights.  just talk to him and try to make him see your point of view <3

  3. calm down! its ok everyone is like that at times its just a phase. no big deal Tell your boyfriend about this. if you feel uncomfortable or something speak to him. he's your boyfriend he should understand. he loves you even if you think he doesnt!  

  4. it's obvious that neither you or he have any idea what love is and are probably confusing lust and love

    break up and wait till you mature before looking for love

  5. It could have alot to do with you being stressed out &/or depressed. Have you told him how you feel about the fighting and him sitting home all day doing nothing? Sometimes its better to talk then to keep everything inside hoping it will all work itself out b/c silence can not make things better especially if he thinks everything is ok with the both of you. hope everything works out.

    have a great weekend!!

  6. Its okay. I had a HUGE 4 hour long fight with my bf last night too. My eyes are still puffy from all the tears. Just choose your battles okay. Just talk to him. Settle it straight now.

    Answer mine please:;...

  7. The fact that he forgot tells me that he is selfish.  Something tells me that you were probably talking about these events for some time. How long has he been out of a job?  Any man that is too lazy to go out a find a job really isn't worth it.  If you see a future with this guy, you have to say to yourself.....Can I accept all of this man's flaws for the rest of my life?  If yes, then why are you so upset?  If no, then you know what you should do.

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