
Why am i always nervous?

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why am i so nervous when something bad happens?why?




  1. everyone gets nervous. its just being worried about what could happen. no need to question it.

  2. You need to increase your vitamin B. But everyone gets nervous, this is just your conscious.

  3. i find that whenever i'm nervous, its cuz of something that's potentially bad that i forgot about, and not necessarily the bad thing right in front of me. when i remember it, i feel better. so, think hard.

  4. im the same way but i nurves to get my lip pirced and  dont no why but i noticed that im only thinking about the neggatives not the positives

    try not to think alot and try to stay culm as possible....  :]]

  5. Because you constantly and consistently bombard your own mind with what,why,when,who and how whenever bad things happen. In addition, you play a mental picture or scenario of the bad happening. Which means that if you change how you think whenever something bad happens, you will stop feeling so nervous.

  6. Um, that's fairly natural.

  7. i have the same problem it is fear of what might happen to some degree paranoid but drugs will just end up creating other problems  

  8. i think you may lack of self confident.. i m quite sure about it. something bad happened and you need to solve it but you do not have the confidence to solve it by yourself thats why you are nervous. but all in all... it is no big deal.

  9. You could have a panic disorder.

    It's pretty common, actually. Go to a psychiatrist to find out if it really bothers you.  

  10. Its a natural reaction to bad things.  You can practice relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing if you start having a panic or anxiety attack or if the nervousness lasts for too long of a time after the event happens.  A good counselor should be able to help you out with that if need be.

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