
Why am i different to everyone??

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why am i different to everone? coz lots of people are the same? i like goth (music and clothing) heavy metal, not liking people, and i get realy annoyed when things are "happy" and "nice".

plz don't give me a lecture on "unique ness".




  1. you can't change try to enjoy what you are(that's what everyone is trying to do)

  2. you really aren't so different. maybe you like to think you are, because your into metal, and goth lifestyle. but, you're really not. a lot of people are into that kind of stuff...maybe those kinds of people just aren't around you.

    people think of you as different because you don't dress or act like them. that's all.

  3. you just stated all the reasons you are different. i'm not sure what the issue is here

  4. Different can be a good thing!!

    people judge other people by what they look like!

    its not your fault that you dress different than other people.

    don't change yourself for anyone!

    im different at my school, im not goth, i just look at things differently than other people!


    then you won't be different!

    =]  sry that was kinda a lecture

  5. because most people don't like the same music as you do, the way you like to dress, your interests, and the way you view life in general. So you stand out. You're part of the minority, not the majority.

    I consider this a good thing though. You are the person that you are meant to be. You are unique

  6. iam like u too..a lot of people call me an artist..cuz i think differently..iam into the gothic culture which i think represents our "other" beauty whether for humans or nature..i like to be alone too though i have enough friends..

    i love silence and think a lot..hehe if u want this is my email

    and  u r different ...if they say so..though they might be different too..cuz everyone has that " different" ..side..only needs to contact himself well to expose it..

  7. You are a misanthrope, embrace it.

  8. it is good to be diffrent. look, no one is normal - just because you stand out doesnt mean you are not mnormal. i know you must feel like you are not normal and all i have to say just because you are diffrent doesnt mean everyone is normal. no one is normal - only diffrent.

  9. maybe there are things in your past that still bother you. Things that happened in your family life, things at school. You sound intelligent and self aware. Maybe your old for your age and you see through the pretentions and games that pass for everyday life and your not willing to play the game - good on you! And believe me, your not 'unique' there are lots of us out there!

  10. If you were really different, you wouldn't even care what anyone on the INTERNET thinks, as well as real life. You wouldn't really care about the perception of others. As it is, you do, since you go out of your way to make a statement with your clothes.

    Personally, I consider myself so different that even 'alternative' clubs are full of people I find very normal. I express myself very little through clothes, and have a mild autistic spectrum disorder apparently. When one is 'different' from others, being on the Autistic Spectrum should be considered, especially if there are other symptoms (I  used to obsess over military aircraft, for example, and make repetitive movements). Research it properly if you're interested.

    Ah and I hate 'goth' music and clothing (too much hassle over image, again), but love heavy metal (which has its image issues, but is pretty tolerant as it's about the music and the vibe).

    Anyway, not trying to convert you or anything, just that autism awareness is still in its infancy.

  11. Because you are a minority in a majority.  You stand out.

  12. Because you are a non-conformist and are *special*.

    you are different. You are your own person. An *individual*.

    You stand out, unlike the rest of the conforming robots.

    You are UNIQUE!

    No one is like you!

    And when you grow up, you'll most likely stay a goth.

    It's not a phase.

  13. "Because you are a non-conformist and are *special*.

    you are different. You are your own person. An *individual*.

    You stand out, unlike the rest of the conforming robots.

    You are UNIQUE!" -- just like everyone else.

  14. You are different to people because you like not liking people...which is kind of weird and not socially normal.

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