
Why am i getting pains down there!?

by Guest67283  |  earlier

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i had really rough unprotected s*x with this guy i love like crazy last night (he says he loves me too but were not going out im 16 hes 20).. im not on the pill, and today i have had the worst stomach pains, but really low down near my pelvic region and i have had no appetite all day. it hurts to move and i dont know what to do i cant tell my mum cause she doesnt know ive been having s*x.

what could be causing the pain? does it have anything to do with the s*x?




  1. yes, sometimes bad s*x also have bad impact on you, so you have to be careful about it. I think best way to resolve your problem is that you go on women's web page called and send your problem to professional , they can give you appropriate  suggestion about it.  

  2. rough s*x cause pain to were you cant even walk the next day. also you should not be having unprotected s*x even if you love the guy. i think there is nothing wrong with you being with a 20 year old but believe me when i say a baby would most likely ruin your relationship right now.

  3. wow i would delete this question if i were you, you know that your guy that u like could go to jail:O? because your only 16 and hes 20 lol delete this as fast as u can before someone report it!~

  4. You answered your own question...Rough s*x.

    The unprotected part was Immature and stupid.

  5. you are pregnant, and I know the guy isnt going to take care of your baby, he is going to leave you.

  6. Congratulations, your going to be a MOMMY!

    How stupid, the guy could have an STD and you had unprotected s*x with him?? ARE YOU NUTS?

    And if you get pregnant, your mom is going to find out soon that your pregnant, heres advice, GET THE MORNING AFTER PILL!

  7. see your doctor

  8. I'm 13.Had s*x since 10.Missed my period 2 times.Feeling sick since last month.Already showing.Took a test.Said positive.Having tingly pains down there for a month.So you could be pregnant.Could anyone give me some advice?

  9. tell your mom. they know more then us @ the docs

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