
Why am i getting period pain 2 3 weeks before my period.could it be a sign of pregnancy?

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yes i am having un protected




  1. it sure could.. implantation sometimes causes cramping... but that being said.. so does ovulation.. you'll have to wait another few weeks.. then test..

    good luck

  2. never have unprotected s*x during ovulation !! your playing with fire ! tho when u ovulate you can get some pains, i know i do and it sucks bad.. neways if u dont wana conceive u can have s*x 3 days after ovulation bcos the egg only lives for like 24-48 hours in you.. =]

  3. it could be a sign that your ovulating or about to

  4. well since it's unprotected s*x than there could be a chance but it's also normal to skip... go 2 ur docter

  5. it sounds like you are OV when you have these pains - i have the same thing when i OV - sometimes quite bad pains on one side or all along the lower stomach, try using some OV sticks and i am sure it will show positive in OV.

  6. maybe ur period is going to come again..

    Why would it be a sign of pregnancy?? Have u had unprotected s*x?  

  7. If you don't normally feel this pain with ovulation I would think you might be pregnant - depends on your cycle length and sexual activity.

    Both times I fell pregnant it was like I was getting my period 2 weeks early or so - a little pain and then no period.

    Then I would notice changes in my breast.

    The first time I tested pregnant and then went to an ultrasound about a week or so later and I was just 4 weeks! (I had to have an internal ultrasound to even see the egg sac!) Consequently the second time I began to think I was pregnant about 1 week after conception or less.

    It is different for everyone but some tests can tell you if you are pregnant fairly early. Read the test packets or talk to your chemist if you are keen to know. A blood test of course can tell you any time from implantation but you have to go to the doctor for this.

  8. maybee

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