
Why am i having such a hard time finding a boyfriend?

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It's bothering me. Everybody tells me all the time how beautiful i am, and how kind i am (sorry to sound like I'm bragging.) i guess i have a good personality. Somehow i can't get a boyfriend, i try really hard to talk to guys but there's hardly anybody in my neighborhood because all the houses are for sale or old people live in them.

I'm feeling really alone and depressed and i think by now i should have a boyfriend. My family isn't giving me as much support as i need at the time and i think maybe getting into a relationship would take my mind off all the family stress.

I live by a pool, and all the time i will go down there and see if there's anybody to talk to because i am so bored but hardly anybody is there.

I'm not going to school this year because my last three teachers kept me behind in math, so I'm taking a year off to catch up. So i guess that kills finding one at school.

Also, i don't know how this would help, but do you need a picture of me? I don't know it might be my looks, maybe everybody is lying to me.

Please don't leave any mean comments, there are so many, I'm going to a hard time right now don't make it worse.




  1. A picture would help.

    Ask yourself, are you confident? Can you approach other people with ease? Can you be persistent?  

  2. Try getting out of town and meet people that way. If you be your self and are confident you'll find someone. People wouldnt lie to you and any way it doesnt matter what you look like to be honest. I once met a guy and looked a complete mess but he asked me out any way. hope this helps xx

  3. send me a pic, I'd like to evaluate you better. I'll be honest.

  4. i know wat u mean girl i have the same problem as u but if u r beautiful like u say u r go to social areas like a mall and sooner or later mr. right will come

  5. Maybe the right guy just hasn't come along yet

  6. Hey dudette.  

    First off, I am sorry to hear about your family situation and I to hear about how lonely and depressed you are feeling.  I completely empathise with you there.  

    Look, I know it sounds really cliche and a little trite, but your time just hasn't come yet.  It has nothing to do with your looks because, well, you're stunning (seriously, one could just get lost in those eyes).  And it has nothing to do with your 'Emo' style.  Besides, if anyone is turned off by your style they are not someone you want to be with anyway because obviously they're just superficial.

    Being home schooled of course would be somewhat of a disadvantage.  But really, anyone who thinks that school is going to be the only place they are going to find a boyfriend/girlfriend is deluded.  I mean, with 6 billion people in the world, you are kind of limiting yourself when you have thoughts like that.

    You can never get someone to like you and often the harder you look, the more difficult it seems to be able to find someone.  All you can do is put yourself in a position of possibility.  The pool is one good idea, but head to other places where people hang out.  Get yourself seen... it's all a matter of starting somewhere.  Because the most beautiful love stories etc all have to start somewhere.

    You're truly beautiful but it goes deeper than that.  Judging by your question you are an open person- honest... and that is such a wonderful quality.  So never think for one moment it is you.  Never think you're the reason why you're single.  It's just that right one hasn't found you yet but they will.  I just wish I could tell you when.  But get yourself out there because if you are not creating opportunity for yourself, it makes things that much harder.

    It's never easy dudette, but don't make things more difficult by doubting who you are.  Because it's who you are that is going to help you find that one... it make take a little longer than you want, but the wait will be worth it.  All the best :)

  7. Maybe you're too shy. You need to meet more people, be more open, and flirt. :]

    In highschool, people used to tell me the same thing, even now actually. But I learned that I needed to open up.

  8. if your bored then find a club to join, or get a job?

    both good places to meet guys. also you could ask ur mates to go hang out in town or shoppin

    hope i helped :)

  9. where do you live if you live in southern New Jersey email me because I have a girlfriend but she lives in California and I'm looking for someone to take to my senior prom don't bother emailing me if you don't live in the area

  10. It's not your looks. I've never seen you and I know it's not your looks because beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Sometimes I look at ugly married women and wonder why I'm single.

    I'm not saying this to be mean. I'm saying this because I've been there. If you've failed math three times, it's time to focus on that. I'm not saying you can't have a boyfriend or a life. Just make sure that you don't let yourself get distracted. This is your future. It will decide if you spend the rest of your life flipping burgers or doing what you really want and can support yourself with.

    As far as the boyfriend, the reason is that he hasn't come along. And don't sell yourself short. dont take the first guy because of a drought. YOU make the choice. Not him. Make a list of ten priorities. For example, no drugs/smoking, has to have a good family. Whatever. And when he comes along, you will already have it set in your head what you want so you know for sure you aren't settling.

    And besides, dating with no obligations is fun:)

  11. Baby you are very beautiful.. My experience as a young guy was I was a little nervous about asking out the real pretty girls.. and lord knows you would have been one of those. but  hey how about you going up to a interesting guy and starting the conversation ..You are very very attractive .. never cut yourself short baby..I do not think any guy would not want to talk with ya or date you if they felt they had a chance  

  12. your just looking in the wrong places baby girl.  you need to go to the mall or a social but kind of upscale bar.  if you look as good as you say you'll be the pray at these kinds of places and then you'll have the options of picking your dude


  13. im sorry to hear that your having such a hard time. your problem with guys is that your looking too hard. these things tend to happen when you least expect it, i know it sounds corny but its soo tue

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