
Why am i having these pains?

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ok so every morning before i go to school i feel like i am gonna through up.

My parents keep telling me that it is butterflies, but i know what that is and this is not it, i am not hungry in the morning so that is not it, in fact eating doesn't help at all.

it is really starting to bother me and is getting really annoying.

any thoughts on this would be great!




  1. I think you should be asking a doctor.

  2. even tho eating doesnt help. at least have an apple or a glass of OJ or something to have in your system. also you may be stressed about something maybe schoolwork or sports or love life. make sure you aren't overwhelmed with any of those things. also make sure you are getting plenty of sleep (at least 8 hours) so you can function properly. and make sure you stay properly hydrated especially before bed and when you wake up in the morning. take a glass or bottle of water with you to bed and sip it here and there. you may be stressed, tired (even if u dont feel tired you may not have slept enough and you just cant tell), or dehydrated. try these things and check into it. if you find that you are too stressed talk to your parents or a teacher or counselor or an adult that you trust. if the problems still exist then consult your doctor for further advice. those are all the possible things i can suggest that may help you.

  3. Oh i had those, but i think it was before i took the 11+ thats why, it is just you being nervous, i never wanted to go t school when i had it, take rescue remedy, expensive but worth it ;), hope i helped!

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