
Why am i hearing that WW3 is comming and is going to end the world?

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ww1&&2 didnt whats going to be so special about 3




  1. Fear mongering is a special sport of wimps, which live in basements on mommies pastries. They have no life, so they try to get other people confused.

  2. The possibility that WWIII will begin with a nuclear event. The current impasse with Iran, which has nuclear capacity and a missile capacity to deliver a nuke to Israel, brings the heat to another level. The United States would be obliged by mutual assistance treaties to assist Israel which would mean that the remainder of the Islamic world would align themselves with Iran. The entire middle east capacity for war would be used against Israel. Israel would respond to nuclear strike with her own nukes, etc., etc.,  etc.

    A war of this magnitude would destroy huge parts of the middle east, leave many hundreds of square mile of land uninhabitable, and millions dead. It would be a mighty task to put the pieces back together again.

    American may be able to prevent China and Russia from becoming involved, but once such a thing begins it seems to develop a life of its own.

    Scary, huh?

  3. Humanity has been predicting the end of the world since the beginning of civilisation. Now we have the technology to achieve it. It will be interesting to see if we are smart enough not to use it.

  4. nuclear weapons

  5. lady, it is because you listen to wrong people.  do not worry.  it will be ok.  there will be no ww iii.  there will be lots of local conflicts but there will be no a new all out world war involving multiple countries like it was in the 1st and the 2nd world wars.  this world has changed.

  6. ww3 is different because we have different technololgy.

    Back in the old days we fought wars with swords and spears. Not much damage could be done.

    Then we got guns. More damage, but it was still confined to the battlefield.

    World Wars 1 and 2 showed an extreme increase in technology. (Tanks, missiles, submarines, biochemical warfare, etc). If you remember, at the end of WW2, we dropped the very first atom bombs on Japan. These weapons that we developed caused far more destruction than we had ever seen in any period in history, however, destruction was still basically confined to the targeted areas, and we somehow managed to fix our economy afterward.

    However nowadays, we have developed even bigger, and deadlier weapons, weapons that could potentially blow up the entire world if even just a few were launched.

    Nuclear bombs are the scariest things ever, and basically every major country has them, including North Korea, and Iran, who would give anything for a chance to destroy the world. If WW3 broke out it would be so unlike WW2 because we have such deadlier technology, and since the people know this, more people would revolt against the war, causing total anarchy and revolution to break out, thus destroying not only our countries political stability, but also our economy. I doubt we could ever rebuild ourselves after WW3. And even if that revolt didn't destroy us, if ONE country fires a nuke, they're all going to get pissed off and fire their nukes. Thus blowing up the entire planet, in a matter of hours.

    I think it's best described in the words of Albert Einstein, the man who GAVE us the technology to create the atom bombs we dropped on Japan, and then fell to his knees begging and pleading for us not to use them.

    "I'm not sure what will be used to fight World War 3, but World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones."

  7. A Nuclear war may be the biggest threat in WW3. There will be three fronts. China and Russia will Alli with the Middle east Gulf countries, European and The Western Hemisphere will alli with us. No one is crazy enough to start an exchange because it will trigger an all out nuclear exchange that will not benefit any country. So it will be a chemical and strategic war to the end.

  8. I've been hearing that all my life, and I'm 43. Still waiting.

  9. The end of the world is just around the corner.So I wouldn't worry about the price of gas.

  10. because US and israel want to start a war with iran!!! if that happens it will be WW3

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