
Why am i in Special Education?

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Alright so i've been trying to understand for a while now why i've been in special education since i've started school. From what i know i can tell you with certainty that i have no disabilities mentally or physicallynd the only problem i have is ADHD and my handwriting is not the best in the world. i read better than average people and i am also a great speller. I am good at figuring out math problems and enjoy learning about them. I do well in school i maintained a 87% average for the year, i am in Special education for English and math though unfortunatly, when they try to give me the "Reduced" test i say no and would rather take the normal ones, and i do rather good on them. i enjoy meeting new people and i am a very positive person. i have never done any drugs or alochol in my life. i can "Function" in a normal enviroment, i very rarely ask for help for anything. i enjoy school a lot and i do well in Science and History. i am going into my junior year and i am getting out for math (Thank god) but i am only going into pre-algebra although i did geometry and a little bit of reg. algebra in the Special education class. so by 12th grade i will only be at algebra level which is ridculous when you have people in calculous and Trig. i have never had any problems with math i just got put into it at 4th grade for no reason. none of this makes any sense to me. over the years my friends that are in normal classes are doing activities that i'd love to do, like for example reading shakespear's romeo and juiliet, i think that'd be a great experience identifiying verbs pronouns nouns etc. i haven't done any of this in my Special education class and it's very discouraging. i have been told by my teachers regular ed that i am a very bright person so why am i still in these classes. please give me an explanation. P.S my ADHD is controlled and it takes a lot to get me mad, i don't have anger problems haha. lastly, is their anyway that i could possibly get into a regular education class for english, i can write essays with ease, but my handwriting is pretty terrible.




  1. No one has discussed with you why they put you in those classes?  That is messed up.  I would ask.  Especially if you score well on normal t tests.  Talk to your counselor or maybe even your teachers.  Someone should at least be able to give you a reason.  if your ADHD is under control, I don't see why they can't give you a chance to excel.  Sounds like you are well on your way though.  Good luck  to you.  

  2. By federal legislation, your EC (Exceptional Children/Special Education) teacher is required to invite you to the IEP meeting if you are at least 16 OR will turn 16 during the duration of the IEP.

    That is so that you can be allowed to participate in the development of the IEP as it relates to Transition. Transition refers to your future education/career plans, any needs that might be appropriate tor the future, etc. (i.e.-transitioning from school to work or school to college)  If you haven't been invited, this is a legal violation.  Tell your teacher that you want to be invited to the IEP meeting.  At the meeting, pose your questions to the team.

    Your school cannot keep you in Special Education unless your parent(s) have signed the IEP.  Your parent(s) have the legal right to remove you from Special Education classes, with or without the approval of the teacher/principal.  Even if the IEP has already been written, a meeting held, & the IEP is signed by all, your parent(s) still have the legal right to request a new IEP meeting.

    The school is required by law to provide your parent(s) with a copy of the IEP & a Parent's Rights handbook.  You should read every word of the IEP for yourself.

    As to why you are in Special Education, you may have been diagnosed as having a learning disability.  By definition, a person must have at least an "average" (or higher) IQ in order to be classified as L.D.  What determines a learning disability is a significant discrepancy beween your IQ and the standard scores on achievement tests (math/reading, etc).  Typically, (approximately) a 14 point difference between any of the academic subscales & your Full Scale IQ would indicate the presence of a learning disability.

  3. handwriting is not the guess is at some point some one completed some educational testing with you and you were found to be scoring lower than your same age peers....Now regarding your handwriting...if you are indeed in special ed classes request (or have your parents request) the use of a personal keyboarding device for you to do your assignments's an allowable accomodation for someone in special ed

  4. I understand that you must be placed in 504. This only means that your assignments have been modified for you to learn. This does not mean that you are special ed. My son is in 504 and he is doing very well. He understands that he has a different way of learning and its ok. You don't have to do the same others do in high school to feel accepted. You can go ahead and read those books on your own.  

  5. You can have your parents request a test to figure out where you stand in the educational world.  Once you get sidetracked into resource, it's hard to make it back out - especially considering you've spent over half of your school years in there and you're a Junior.  If you are only entering pre-algebra now, it will definitely be too much to ask if you could be put into maintstream math classes.

    Most kids get placed into resource when they score below average on the annual standardized tests or didn't have a high C in their English and Math classes.  If you think about it that way, that could explain your placement in the beginning.  Your parents should have been working with your school to develop an individual education plan (IEP) in order to give you the best chance of doing well in school. It's supposed to be updated at least 2 times every school year. The IEP could also be what is "holding you back".  If the team your parents work with (your teachers, counselors, etc) recommends the resource classes based on the annual standardized tests and/or your grades, your parents can request a hearing to discuss the IEP further.  Likely you'd have to take another standardized test or see a counselor trained in the IEP process in order to get you removed from resource classes.  There is so much math theory that you don't know because you've been kept out of the classes you need to prepare you for the higher math.  Unless you can miraculously learn everything you need to know to enter another math class, you'll likely be stuck in resource until you graduate.

    Have you asked your parents why you're in resource?  If anyone should know, it's your parents.  I know I would want to do what's best for my kids (my son used to have an IEP); and, if being in resource serves your best interest, then you really need to stay there.

  6. Honestly I did not read your whole question too long. But to answer the headline. To be in special ed. you have to be tested. As for your handwriting try printing this should not be the only criteria for your placement. Speak to your parent(s) or guardian see if a re-test is warranted and have them request one ASAP and have them pester of go higher to have it done quickly.

  7. I would talk to a counselor. Someone needs to look at your IEP and adjust it. Handwriting shouldn't be a basis on mental capacity. I have ADHD too, I was never placed in a special education class. You won't take the reduced tests and you still do well, despite the proper education to take the "average/normal/whatever" tests. It sounds to me like you are definitely in the wrong place.

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