
Why am i in love with a married man?

by  |  earlier

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please help me he is so nice bsweet and caring....





  2. You shouldn't be and remember he has a wife that loves him. He married her because he loves her too. Don't allow yourself to break a home up, work on the temptation and then reality will soon show you that your in the wrong place in your life. Remember if he will cheat on his wife, he will cheat on you.

  3. please please please remove yourself from the situation.  I don't know why you have decided you "love" him but the BEST thing is to get over him.  I know it hurts but its true.  You deserve better.  You may not think so now but looking back in time you'll think he was a sleeze!  You can find someone who makes you feel like #1!  You deserve to be someone's wife yourself.

  4. No man who is "sweet and caring" cheats on his wife and turns another woman into his unpaid w***e. Grow up and get real. You really should be disgusted with him and yourself. When the misery you've earned arrives, enjoy it.

  5. You are not in love. It is infatuation.It however, looks like love. You gotta get level headed about this. Talk to a frined.

  6. I would say its because he is letting you think that he loves you and wants to leave his wife for you.

    If he hasnt left her now then he wont.

  7. Are you in love with this man or are you involved with him? Are you married as well? He can't be too caring if he is having an affair with someone else behind his wife's back.Why would anyone even want to be with some one like that? Find your own man,it's not hard.

  8. their always sweet  when their either getting it  or  plan on it!!

    Do you lack self confidence to have a man who is available want anything to do with you?  If this is the problem, get the problem fixed, so you can learn to love and respect yourself  and then others will too

  9. Because you let yourself be. I'll tell you one thing: the whole sweet and caring thing is an ACT. I guarantee it. What kind of man comes on to you when they are married? A selfish cheater. You are being used, sweetheart. The sooner you cut this loser off, stop talking to him, stop reading his emails and texts, and get him out of your life, the sooner you will get over him and can find a sweet and caring man who is AVAILABLE. You deserve better. Don't settle for a guy that has proven to be a potential cheater.

    Good luck!

  10. you are just free s*x. if he really love you, he would divorce his wife.  but then, can you trust him? he cheat on his wife, he can cheat on you.  there will always be someone younger, pretter than you, don't you think so?

  11. He isn't nice and sweet. He is mistreating his wife. Just think about this every time you are with him, he is lying to her.  Every time you s*x him, you are also sexing her. Every time he takes you out, you and he are taking away from his family finances.  If he leaves his wife for you he will replace you with someone else. That is his greedy nature. Then you will be the one wondering who he is laying up with spending money. You are in a fog if you think that you are special. You are contributing to the break down of a family. If his act at home wasn't together before you that isn't any excuse.  Get your life together and stop letting him sneak around with you because at the end of the day you will never be number one no matter what he tells you.  His wife is always the queen and my dear you are a mere concubine.

    do the right thing.

  12. Because it's easy.  Married men will do everything in their power to please you, but none of it is real.  The fun of being in a relationship that is daring and no strings attached is great but it is just an illusion.  If he leaves his wife for you then he may leave you for someone else.  

  13. You and I got the same problem girl ! I mean i feel disgusted ! I wanna leave him but then i see him AGAIn like im being stalked evry second ! But lucky me i dnt really love him! All i know is He's gona use me das why if i were you we'd both wanna stay away from the MARRIED ONES sweety! Cos at the end they'll leave for the one they promised to stay with for the rest of their life's!!!!!

  14. just don't

  15.   He will not leave his wife for you. He loves her. If you think about it are you the only one?  He will say  he loves you, wants, misses you...  cant wait to see you.  If you don`t mind being number 2 great then be happy. take care

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