
Why am i like this???

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Hey guys

As i have gotten older i have come to realise my obsession with having to have everything tidy around me. Things dont have to be clean, but as long as things are hidden and the room looks tidy, then i am settled. But, if this isn't the case, i become anxious and angry. My mum is also the same, and is always cleaning and tidying. I have only realised the extent of my problem after going camping with my boyfriend and constantley trrying to clean the tent and have everything arranged, and cloths in piles, and everything in an organised manner so that it is accesable and tidy. It got to that point, i was almost screaming and my boyfriend not to make a mess or move anything around, i told him to keep everything in the same place.He got annoyed, because after all, we were camping!

I feel as if it is starting to become a problem, is this OCD?

Before I go to bed at night, i have to make sure my bedroom looks and appears tidy to me before i can relax.


Im 18 by the way.

And im girl.




  1. It could be mild OCD, i also have OCD. Check is you have the others signs of OCD and get help:

  2. At some point in your life you have established an unconscious belief that everything needs to be tidy and neat.  Whenever your reality doesn't meet your belief you have anxiety, fear and anger.

    Look into hypnotherapy.  Hypnosis can help you to reduce the impact or completely eliminate the compulsions you are feeling and make it easier for you to feel comfortable in any circumstance.

  3. It's just the way you were brought up...I wouldn't worry about it if I were you.  

  4. This isn't necessarily OCD, I think sometimes people are a bit too quick to want to give themselves a medical label. It could just be the way you are, some people are just neat-freaks!  Im not a tidy person but find it hard to relax if I can see mess and things out of place around me.

    Maybe you could try something like meditation to try and relax yourself a bit more generally, and you may find yourself worrying less about things having to be in their right place.

    If in a few months down the line you really feel like its becoming a problem in your life seek advice from your doctor.

  5. could definitely be OCD.go to a therapist to be evaluated for it.You're definitely not the only one suffering from it and it's just another form of an anxiety disorder.they're very complex 'cause it can be overlapped with another.I have panic disorder and socialphobia which they're both other forms of anxiety so it's tricky to diagnose but you sound like you're OCD

  6. I think it's part of being female.

  7. First of all I want to say that I am proud of you mostly because you are a tidy person, secondly because you can open up when you see something become a problem, but it may not be.  I wish I was tidy and Im not, at all and I hate it.  There is nothing wrong with you tidying up around the campground.  I don't know how often you camp but I have a campsite along a river and when the weekend comes to a close, I have to run around for an hour or better cleaning up stuff.  If you were with me, I wouldn't have to worry about that.  Who in the world could ever complain about that.  Give yourself an pat on the back.  

    Now, your boyfriend gets a little frustrated because he doesn't think you are having fun while running around cleaning and wants his lady to relax and have fun, but I bet if you try not to get on him about making a mess, he won't mind you doing what you do.  I say: keep up the good work... Good luck...
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