
Why am i like this with my looks?

by  |  earlier

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allot of girls and g*y guys think I'm hot and i still don't think i am i think I'm plain ugly lol but I'm always getting comments from people like you're so s**y and girls are usually all over me

whats up with that

thnkz for answers

(I'm 14 by the way)




  1. well, dont you like it?

    if others think that you're hot, then let them think that way..

    anyway we each are entitled to our own opinion.

    the good thing about it is that you know that people appreciate how the way you look. as long as you dont let it get inside your head then its all for the good.

    We each see something differently from our persons. For some people you may really be cute, but for others its not the case.


  2. You are 14. You're young, and you are probably lacking the confidence you deserve. Also you are your own worst critic. But you probably like the attention.

  3. 0Mgg;;

    ii'M TH3 SAME WAyy!


  4. ok so i know this is kindof weird but i heard it off of  tv ...were all like riceballs lol and you know how they put plumbs or fish in riceballs ...well were all like riceballs and other poeple can see the plumb in your back but you cant cuz its on your back...thats prolly really hard to understand sorry but thats all i got

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