
Why am i looking for someone to be with, but can't really find anyone?

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Why am i looking for someone to be with, but can't really find anyone?




  1. You are just having to high of expectations for another person.

    If i were you i would just date girls or guys that you like now and find likes and dislikes about that one person then you'll know exactly what you want in a person and be able to look for those types of people.

  2. stop looking.  let them find you

  3. Because you havent found the right person at the right time. Opportunity and experience sometimes coincide.

  4. It's because you have to be patient. With time the one will come.

  5. Because its normal!

    We all need people and need to be able to converse with someone. Don't look for someone, just go on with your life and your normal routine and it will just happen. Good luck!

  6. The reason you can't find anyone is because of the fact that you are looking for a relationship.  When you aren't looking is when it just pops up right in front of you. So stop looking and just be patient and wait...and of course flirt with everyone!!

  7. Because you're looking...stop looking for someone and it will just happen naturally....Enjoy being single..It's wonderful

  8. cause your trying to hard.... as soon as you just relax and become happy by yourself you will be more attractive for others and will be surprised at how many people are interested in you...

  9. a long long time ago i decided that some of us are destined to a life of loneliness and depression. alcohol is a good substitute for a partner.

  10. I used to have the same problem until i pretty much gave up and then a girl that i have been going out with for 8 months asked me out one day and i love her. just relax and go with the flow

  11. If you're talking about "love" well I suppose there's no easy way to actually "find" it. But you can try to increase the chances by being more involved with things in the social front. I find that you can't fully rely on nights out in clubs/bars to meet people all the time. You can meet some great people in the most common places like the supermarket or library or train station or even at a volunteer/charity group. Try signing up to join a group in your neighborhood, be it for a good cause or for a hobby. Also, don't stress. I guess that's why it's called "falling in love" cos you don't quite expect it to happen and then "wham!" it hits you! So relax, meet lots of new people, enjoy and have fun! The right ones will come to you when you're confident and just having a great time. Good luck!!!!

  12. You'll find someone when you're desperate enough.  

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