
Why am i not getting pregnant even after taking clomid and done insemination (iui) twice?

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Why am i not getting pregnant even after taking clomid and done insemination (iui) twice?




  1. some people just aren't able to have children. No matter how far science has gone, sometimes it's still not possible.

  2. Because the devil is trying to get the best of you. Keep the faith. Your child is on their way just got to be a little more patient. Their is too many different things available out their to give up hope.

    Think about it, in a couple of years, all of this aggrevation will be just a memory because you would have had your baby by then.


  3. Unfortunately, even clomid and IUIs are not sure things.  In fact, the success rate of IUIs is only about 20% each month, so it can often take a while to conceive (we conceived on our third IUI).  I know for us, our RE would only try something three times before wanting to try something new, so if you can, I would recommend having one more go at it, but I know it's tough.  Have you been diagnosed with any particular reason for your infertility?  There are certain types of infertility that do not lend themselves to IUI.  

    Best of luck to you!!

  4. I had my daughter in 1996 and hada lot of problems.I was told I couldn't ever have any more kids. Well, in Feb. 2006 I was told I suffered from secondary infertility and I'd have to go through IVF & take fertility drugs, but as weird as it sounds, they suggested birth control. It can some times trick the body. Well, needless to say, I got pregnant in April 2006 while on birth control & had my son December 2006. He was several weeks early but he's doing great! I wish you the best of luck! P.S. Keep up with your ovulation schedule.

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