okay i don't know whats wrong with me.
for the past like, 3 days..whenever i pee..ALOT comes out.
i dont have the frequent urge to pee..but when i do..its alot.
I've had this weird feeling in my v****a..im not sure how to describe it..its like a dull pain.
the past 3 weeks ive had cramps off and on, sore b***s, ive been tired, and thirsty alot.
i've experienced slight constipation, gas & bloating.
Now, my b***s don't hurt,i'm not getting cramps that much.
2 weeks ago i had my period.
i've also taken 7 hpts..all of them are negative.
i havent had s*x in over a month, and it was protected.
(july 7-11:i had my period.
july 13:last time i had s*x, was protected.
august 6-9:dates of my last period.)
What's wrong with me? I don't think i'm pregnant..but i dont know.help?!?!