
Why am i ?

by  |  earlier

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why am i getting a pinkish color discharge every time i use the bathroom ? im not a virgin and i was soppost to already have my period and i have been sleeping alot and waking up really hungrey whats wrong with me and i feel like i have butterflys in my stomach ..




  1. you may be pregant, but don't take my word for it

  2. go to the doctors they can help you and they wont tell your parents unless theres an obvious increased risk if they didnt.

  3. pregnant at 14?!?!

    no wait having s*x at 14?!?!?!

    i cant do anything but shake my head

  4. get a test sounds like ur pregnant

  5. you don't need to take a test.

    your pregnant. take my word for it

  6. ALOT of the symptoms you just said ^^^ up there, sound like sure signs of pregnancy hun. How late is your period exactly? I would definitely take a test, remember to use the first pee of the morning!

  7. wow, your 14 and probably pregnant. thanks for helping america, you idiot.

  8. You need to get a test, you may be pregnant.

  9. You are probably pregnant.  Take a test.

  10. You could possibly be pregnant.

    You should take a test right away to rule it out.

    EDIT: Go to the Dr To get yourself a free test. Catch a bus in or something, or ask a trusted friend to drive you in.
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