
Why am i scared all the time?

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i keep getting scared all the time. i start getting angry with people and for no reason. i start to freak out and start breathing harder sometimes i start to hold my breath for about 2 seconds then i take a really deep breath. i might have depresion. i was also told that i could be sufering from p.t.s.d. i dont think it's p.t.s.d. cuz the only thing that happend to me that was tramatic was when i was 12 and im 17 now. also i dont have nightmares or flashbacks. what could this be?




  1. sometimes, we are all a bit apprehensive of others, especially in this day and age. You sound like you are really having panic attacks...Xanax is great for this condition, but it can also be quite addictive, if abused...*so can anything really) to a trusted doctor, and don't try to analize yourself from what people tell you here...I am sure that there is a way to deal with this. Personally, I know that God and Jesus are not going to let you down if you just ask. x

  2. Fear is a spirit that lives inside. I know I've been there. This is a topic science does not want to talk about. Lying, cheating, jealousy, hate, anger, the list is endless. Those are spirits inside of people. I know first hand.

    Folks don't want to hear about religious beliefs so I try not to mention them - but Jesus in the scriptures talks about casting out these spirits. See Mark 1:39, Mark Matthew 9:32-33.

    It's not a popular subject because people thinks it's "scary." Not really. The same "spirits" of Jesus time still exist. Yes, you can be free. There is only one power on this earth that can accomplish this.

  3. Anxiety and panic attacks. You can get through it without medication, which isn't good for you anyway. Try this book. It's amazing. It's helped me alot. Next time you have a panic attack, breath deeply and slowly and touch the floor or an object around you, start humming a song and go for a walk. I know it's hard, but it will help from your panic going from level 1 to level 10. And try the book!

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