
Why am i seeing brazil being spelled as brasil?

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Why am i seeing brazil being spelled as brasil?




  1. different countries different spelling

  2. because thats how brazilians pronounce it.

  3. cuz thats how you spell it in portuguese (the official language of BRASIL)

  4. That's how it is spelled in Spanish and probably Portuguese which is spoken in Brasil.

  5. It's all the same S**t to me.

  6. The first names used for the new-found-land were Ilha de Vera Cruz ("Vera Cruz Island") and Terra de Santa Cruz ("Santa Cruz Land"). Soon after "Brazil" was adopted.

    Named after the brazilwood tree, so-named because its reddish wood resembled the color of red-hot embers (brasil in Portuguese). In Tupi it is called "ibirapitanga", which means literally 'red wood'. The wood of the tree was used to color clothes and fabrics.

    Another theory stands that the name of the country is related to the Irish myth of Hy-Brazil, a phantom island similar to St. Brendan's Island, situated southwest of Ireland. The legend was so strong that during the 15th century many expeditions tried to find it, the most important being John Cabot. As the Brazilian lands were reached by Pedro Álvares Cabral in 1500 A.D., the Irish myth would have influenced the late name given to the country (after "Island of Real Cross" and "Land of Holy Cross"). The proof that the legend was popular among Iberian people may be verified by the name of the Azorean Terceira Island, registered in the 14th century in the Atlas Catalan and around 1436 on the Venetian map of Andrea Bianco.

    Since the 1943 orthographic reform of Portuguese, Brazil is written "Brasil".

  7. people can't spell

  8. It's how the Country's name is spelled in english.  In Portuguese it doesn't sound right if you use the "Z" in Brasil.  It's just like Sweden in Swedish it's called SVERIDGE, Norway NORGE,  and Hungary it's actually Magyar.

  9. Us Brits like using 's' instead of 'z'. Like in realise and finalise, etc.

  10. Because Brasil is a Portuguese speaking country, and in Portuguese..... Brasil is Brasil :-)

    Only the anglos use a z

  11. that is how Brazilian Americans spell it ACTUALLY

  12. cause it sounds like sil

  13. Well, different countries spell their countries differently because of the language spoken. We spell Brazil that way in the english language.

  14. i've never heard of that before

  15. brazil is in english and brasil is in portuguese

  16. because he or she can't spell

  17. Because... sometimes... depending on where you are... the maps shows the countries with different letters...

    I gotta go ..

    sorry i cant write more.


    c yaa




  18. Because that is how people that live there spell it.

  19. That's how it's spelled in Spanish (and maybe even Portuguese, the native language)

  20. i dont know maybe you are dislexic

  21. that is how it is spelled in portugese of course and so people spell it the way they are familar with it

  22. Cause Brasil is how its actually spelled

  23. because in Portuguese (local language) is written brasil and not brazil.

  24. Spelling isn't a strong suit for many on YA.

  25. America is apparently the only country on Earth that uses the letter Z.

  26. Brasil, thats the way some Latin American countries say it , its the same when we say United States of America as Estados Unidos . Just translation thing.

  27. Brazil can be spelled several different ways:

    In Arabic: البرازيل

    In Bulgarian:   бразилия

    In Chinese  ÃƒÂ¥Ã‚·Â´Ã¨Â¥Â¿

    But in Portuguese the language we speak here it is spelled BRASIL

  28. BRAZIL IS THE ENGLISH SPELLING AND BRASIL IS THE PORTUGUESE WAY OF SPELLING IT  (just writing in caps so that u can choose me.....please)        : )

  29. I spell it "brazookinana". They are both wrong

  30. Brasil is how it is spelled by people that live in Brasil it is the correct spelling. I have been to Brasil several times my wife in from Brasil born and raised there. Brasil is the correct spelling. In Germany they call it Deutche land but here we call it Germany. As Americans we are not always right.

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