
Why am i sleeping so much is there something wrong with me?

by  |  earlier

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i sleep for at least 12+ hours a night whenever i get the chance. other times when i can't sleep that long or even when i do, i am really tired throughout the day. i really hate ALWAYS being tired. whats wrong with me? also i can't go to sleep early i try to but i end up laying in bed and i just can't. i usually go to sleep around 1:30-2:30. HELP!!!!!!




  1. well its normal to be sleepy if you partake in vigorous activity but if you dont do much all day then you should talk to you doctor and let him know that your tired all the time I had the same problem and it turned out that there was soemthing wrong with my thyroid and now that I am on medication I am not so fatigued anymore

  2. Mono. The Kissing disease.

  3. thats what happend to me but then one night i only got like 8-9 hours and felt absolutly perfect!

    I looked online and you can get to much sleep! when you sleep to much your brain gets kinda foggy.

    you should try maybe thats whats going on?

  4. You could have depression. Talk to your doctor about this.

  5. you could have sleep apnea..i got it from being over weight..mail me i can answer anything you want!!

  6. you could be tired because of sleeping too much. they say that  if you sleep alot more than normal you will continue to be tired. try doing some activities stay outside for the majority of the day. keep yourself occupied. that should help.

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