
Why am i so consumed with how I look?( see details)?

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Every 5min i HAVE to look in the mirror.

I'm very concerned with how i look.

I'm always thinking of shopping, clothing and makeup.

When i shop, it feels like i'm high. My heart starts beating fast and i'm always thinking of what to buy to make myself look better.

I'm 15years old (girl) Is this normal? What's wrong with me?




  1. sounds like ocd

  2. Agreed, sounds of ocd, seek a councler and or doctor

  3. well i think its normal fore all the girls. because every girl thinks about what to where to make them self look better. All you have to no you are beautiful just the way you are.

  4. While you may be obsessive, it may also be that you are trying to fill some hole that you have.  I am the same way.  I am constantly shopping and buying clothes, only to come home and feel a bit empty.  I constantly second guess my fashion choices, and constantly look in mirrors.  I am insecure about myself and my body, so I try to hide that with buying more clothing.  You may have insecurities as well. If this is a problem, where it starts interfering with your life (on your mind like 99.999% of the time) a therapist may be able to help.  

  5. Its only normal if you are worried about your looks because you are reading a whole lot of magasines, watching tv shows or going to internet websites that focus on how you look, or if you have friends who focus on their clothes, hair, makeup and shopping.

    If you had friends who focussed on cars, trucks, vans and utes, and bought magasines and hung out at shops that focussed on that you would naturally be inclined to think of these things a lot of the time.

  6. It is all part of being a 15 year old and the insecurities that go with that age. In my opinion, there is nothing "wrong" with you; however, if you feel there is indeed something wrong, talk to your parents, your doctor, school nurse, or some other adult who can help you determine what the problem may be.

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