
Why am i so critically mean a lot????

by  |  earlier

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like i would be so icky and picky like i would judge people how they dress and stuff and act. i totally hate these asian girls who are copying asian fashions as they are so wannabe. i HATE wannabes. like i am asian as well (male) but i just dunno why. i hate bad posers wannabe posers. posers who pose only because they think people who pose pose well or posing looks good...not because they naturally pose. like omfg im so weird. and anti-social. and picky about just everything. i just hate everyone so badly. can someone slap me awake?????????????




  1. If someone likes a certain style, whats wrong with taking it on?

    You are antisocial, like you said, so maybe you should get to know people before making such judgements. Right now, you don't even know these people so I don't know why you let it bother you.

  2. **SMACK!!!***

  3. i cant actually determine y u r so critical and mean. it sounds like it might be easier for u 2 make assumptions n judgments about other people before they get the chance to judge u, that way if ppl do try 2 judge u, u can have the defense of , at least im not trying 2 b something im not. i think it all sounds like a defense mechanism so that people dont have the opportunity to attack you and make u feel bad about urself. needless to say, at the end of the day, no1s really gonna want 2 b cool with u because no1 ever gets 2 see ur personality, only ur negativity. if thats how ppl want to act n want 2 dress, then who are u 2 criticize? and y does it even matter to u? i dont think ppl are that concerned with every little thing u do to the point where they pick apart ur persona, so i dont c y u should be doing the same.


  4. you have issues.

    do you hate yourself? or do you just think that you're better than everybody else?

    you must accept that every person is an individual. don't judge them and don't think negative thoughts about them. if you can't control your hatred then ignore them. look at yourself, are you perfect? how can you improve yourself? what makes you think that they care about your opinion? why do you think you're better than them? do you think you're above criticism?

    hate as much as you like, they don't care. it's their life, we all live in the same planet, give them the freedom to do what they want, wear what they want. don't be a tyrant, ignore, smile and ignore. mind your own misgivings.  

  5. with u, in ur head its either judge or be judged.

    you judged before your judged, you do it to feel good, to get a quick fix on self esteem, you do it because you lack self confidence/self esteem so u think that by makin others look bad it makes you look good.

    but what u dont realise is everyone can see through your cover, n you are being judged for that, just because you dont hear it doesnt mean its not said.

    wake up to urself, every time u feel like saying something mean to someone, say something nice instead AND MEAN IT.

    the person that u are is very unattractive. you'll end up old n lonely

  6. Eh.

    Your just a ***** by nature.


  7. ur normal ...

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