
Why am i so depressed, i need help!?

by Guest21286  |  earlier

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i am just so depressed and it's mostly about money. money isn't everything, yeah right! i think it is, if i had money i wouldn't be depressed right now, it's everything and i just don't feel like doin it anymore, my job, my family, my fiance!!! even the d**n dogs are getting on my nerves. i don't know how to feel better. i believe in god and i know all that but come on, when do i get mine? i need to be blessed, can i have your blessings or some words of encouragement?





  1. I hear you on the money girl, were struggling with finances too right now. It's hard to be optimistic, and I break down and cry sometimes, and there's no shame in that. I do find that prayer really does help, especially on those mornings when I have to drag myself out of bed to go to work. I've struggled with depression too and it can be very lonely and time consuming. You gotta have faith, it will get better :) even though I know it seems like it never will at times. What always cheers me up is too do something to escape, like watch my favorite movie, go for a nice long walk or drive, go out dancing, things that bring you joy. Many blessing to you girly! I hope things get better :)

  2. You're one step ahead just by acknowledging that you need help.  You didn't give your age.  I know I went through the same thing at around 26.  Housewife, three children and staying at home and NOT feeling appreciated.  Hang in there, you are not the only one out there feeling this way.

  3. Dear Lord, please bestow upon this child a dollar for every degree of depression from which you desire her to recuperate completely.

    ...and can I get an employer match?!

  4. Last time I checked God does not bless the selfish. You may want the money, and yes money isnt everything. Keep your head on straight. Money depresses me sometimes too, but for other reasons. I get sad when I see people change from money. Money is a source of bad things to come. People loose themselves when they get more money. Be glad you have what you got. Im more then happy with all I have. I am 17 years old, and normally people my age are craving money. Money isnt everything. Just grow up, and be mature.

  5. I'm so tired of people throwing the term 'depressed' out there. Yes, there are varying levels of depression, but just because you are stressed and little things are getting on your nerves does not mean you are depressed. True depression is when your entire life slows down and you can't find energy to do anything, its difficult to just get out of bed and complete very basic tasks the rest of us do without even thinking about. Saying if you had money would make you happier is just dumb. If you take 20 people line them up and one hasn't a pot to p**s in all the way to the last person who has billions of dollars, I'm sure not one of them will tell you that the reason they are happy is because they have money or they are depressed because they don't have money.

    As for the people that say money is the root of all evil...uh, no. Its not. Money is a necessity in life, at least in this life. If you don't have it, it can cause troubles for you, but if you have enough to live comfortably, take care of what you owe and need to be where you want to be, then its a good thing. Money can be used to help others in times of need...I can name several occasions I was glad I had a few extra bucks in my account when my friends or relatives were down and out. What it comes down to is how you utilize the money you have. Yes, there are people out there that spend beyond their means thinking it will bring them happiness, but its the wiser ones that realize what they have, are content with that and bless others with non-materialistic things.

    You said: i believe in god and i know all that but come on, when do i get mine? What does god have to do with any of this? This is all about you and your train of thinking. If you think you are depressed and broke you will just be more 'depressed' and 'broke'. Just take a moment and look at your history. Is there a time in your life when things were going your way and you were so happy and more things were going your way? Then all of a sudden something bad happened, you dwelled on that bad moment and more bad things started happening and before you knew it you were spiraling down into this so-called depression? The way you think and the way you condition yourself to see YOUR reality BECOMES your reality. Trust me on this one.

    Take you present situation and find something, ANYTHING that you can smile about and build on that. If its that your hair looks good today, stand in the mirror for a few minutes and tell yourself how gorgeous you are, how smart you are, how you can have anything you want. Start out as small or as big as you want and BUILD. You can't grow if you live day to day. You must think of your future, paint vivid pictures of what you want. When your mind starts realizing that your future is more vivid than the present it will in turn start creating your present to match your desired future.

    If none of that helps...maybe you should see a licensed psychiatrist.

  6. Money is the root of all evil.  Money is NOT everything.  You don't need to be blessed, you just need to be reminded of all the reasons you are already blessed.  You have a job.  You have a family.  You have a love in your life: your fiance.  Think about all the people out there that doesn't have any of that.  Think about the homeless on the streets that don't even have food everyday.  Think about all the people in the world that don't have anybody to be with but themselves.  I don't think you're selfish or anything.  We all have our moments of weakness and sometimes we forget what is really important and need to be reminded.

  7. Sweetheart life is a beautiful thing...

    These are tough times and i know money is tight (I dont even have gas to get to my job 20 miles away and had to wake up at 3A.M. to get there) Believe me it will get better.

    Have you found maybe a spot somewhere where you like to just think and maybe talk to yourself or maybe collect a journal and write all your personal feelings in it...

    Hope it helps  

  8. All I hear and see in your question is if YOU had money, is that YOU dont feel like doin it anymore, YOUR family, YOUR job, its not all about you you you ya know. Stop focusing on yourself so much. You are probably bringing everyone else around YOU down and pretty soon you will be left alone if YOU dont stop. Get yourself some help. If YOU don't do anything about it then no one else will. Stop sitting around waiting for something to happen. Make things happen for you and stop being so self involved. No one wants to be around anyone like that.  

  9. I know with the economy being what it is and the cost of living--yikes!--it's really hard. Money can cause stress and worry and make it so all the other stuff gets on your nerves. I don't know about you, but sometimes I get so frazzled that I can't stand noise, whether it's the tv or a family member talking. Sometimes I just have to get away so I go to the local park, which no one goes to anymore, and read or journal or just sit and zone out. Why not find a quiet place away from distractions and do something you really enjoy? When you get back, before you can settle into life as usual, sit down and look at your finances. If you have a budget see where you can tweak it. If not, making one might help.

    I know life gets nutty. That's a good sign it's time for some "me time." Every time you can step out of the daily routine and clear your mind it brings peace. Like the Glade commercial with the octopus says, "If only for a moment." Those moments help.

  10. People may say money isn't everything but people can be wrong cause without money you wouldn't have a home,a car, a job,a life.

    Sorry to say it but money is everything besides your family of course, lots of people get depressed to not having money it's hard you want stuff and you can't get it cause you don't have MONEY .Don't listen to people who say or tell you that your selfish cause your not.  Not having money is very hard especially if you have a family and don't have money to contribute to there needs it can be depressing.  You have a right to be Mad,Sad or Even Depressed.

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