
Why am i so dizzy when i get up?

by  |  earlier

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Whenever i move or get up and feel like i'm going to fall over and then i can't see and my head hurts

what's wrong with me?




  1. Could be hypertension. You need to seek medical advice from your physician.

    Are you a doctor g13sm?  No, and yes hypertension can be the cause of her problems.  Hypertension causes headaches and dizziness, among other problems that are abnormal.  I am a RN and my husband is a Cardiologist... so I think I understand a little bit.  It could also be anemia.  Ophelia simply needs to have blood work done and make sure whatever issues she is experiencing is properly diagnosed.

  2. well if it is when you move to fast from a still position you could be suffring from a type motion sickness...

  3. It isn't hypertension it's hypotension but you should seek medical attention.

  4. Orthostatic hypotension (what your describing), is a decline in blood pressure to the brain, which occurs when you stand from a suppine position.  However, if you experience this regularly there may be other contributing factors to this condition.  If this has been ongoing you may want to consider visiting a doctor.

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