
Why am i so easily distracted from my tasks what causes this?

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Why am i so easily distracted from my tasks what causes this?




  1. Well do you smoke weed everyday?  Because I do and that makes me more tired and un motivated to do other sh*t.

  2. You have been trained to expect a commercial every few minutes by television.

  3. Attention Deficit Disorder. I suggest seeing a counselor. They will assist you with whatever you need assistance with.

  4. Because it's a task.  Most likely it's something you don't really feel like doing so you look for any excuse to distract yourself from it.  In the long run it just takes longer since you're gonna have to go back and do it sooner or later.  For example I should be working on a project right now that I hate and I've already made dinner, coffee, checked my email and browsed the internet.  But eventually I'll have to go back to it.  

  5. It's because you....oh, look a butterfly!  Pretty.

    What am I doing here again?  Oh, forget it.

  6. u might juss be lazy or ADHD or maybe something else.

  7. Probably your addiction to drugs.

  8. I have ADD and it is a testy litttle tick to have on a daily basis.

  9. What are you thinking while doing your task??? Dont think about other things rather than what are your doing.  If you have to do something else that you think important, do it first. It means prioritized  your task.

  10. THC

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