
Why am i so forgetful?

by  |  earlier

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well it's not age, cause i'm only 29 and this has been happening since i was a teenager.....maybe sooner lol... i may have inherited it from my mom cause she is forgetful sometimes too...... but anyways.

i lock my keys in my car or house........i lose things....... i forget everything. I have to tell my husband to remind me things or set alarms on my phone to remember things.... i have sticky notes i tape up on my computer to remind me of something......and sometimes i still forget!

when i am talking to someone....i interrupt them and sometimes myself to say what i gotta say right then so i dont forget...... i daydream while driving and dont even remember actually driving. I then pass my exits and turns.... causing me to be late sometimes.....

what causes this? what does it mean? can i fix it?




  1. I am crazily forgetful as well. I recently misplaced my mp3 and my purse within a matter of days. I still haven't found them. Sucks cause my purse contains my wallet which has most of my money.

    Anyways, i found that even though i hate writing stuff down, it does help. Saying stuff out loud to yourself also helps. For instance, when i finish reading my book, i say outloud to myself the page i finished on so i can remember it later.

    Guest154 is right. I blame my two forgetful parents that i can't remember anything. I know how you feel about being forgetful. it is a pain in the but.

    I'm hoping my forgetfulness will improve with age since i'm only thirteen!

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