
Why am i so insecure?

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had a really low self esteem since 4th/5th grade. that was when i had a lot of acne. now my face cleared up and i only have a few pimples. a few guys that i liked in the past said i was ugly and that effected me really badly. now, i think my nose is the issue now . i totally hate the shape of it and i think its big and wide. 2 guys that i liked told me that my nose is big. and i never noticed it until my aunt told me that i do shes like "you have a wide nose" and im thinking a nose job next summer will solve that. and i dont care about the money. my parents are gonna pay for it. my mom already said she will and we talked about it. and dont say im too young for a nose job cuz i watched 15 year old girls get nose jobs and be happy with the results after wards.

can you find other reasons why i feel insecure?




  1. Oh my goodness girl!

    stop worrying!

    You compare yourself wayyy to much and you care about what other people think of you to much!

    DO NOT get a nose job!

    You want someone to like you for who you really are and how you were born.

    when you get your nose done your just going to be a fake... and then you might be stuck up...

    or it could go wrong and then you might get like addicted to wanted your nose done because everytime it doesnt "look good enough"

    take my advice please and just take life as it is.

    You need to stop caring what other people think you. I am sure your pretty and just think of how much of an advantage to looks you have than to some other cant be that bad.

  2. Sounds like your looks make you insecure. Sure people can say things that hurt about our bodies, but you can't take it personally. Everyone has their own opinions about beauty. You should make sure surgery is what you really want. Not just something your doing to please others. Your nose makes you unique. You shouldn't focus on your flaws but instead the features you most like about yourself. Ever hear the song "Don't You Know Your Beautiful" by Kellie Pickler Your beautiful just the way you are! :)

  3. Because your letting other people's opinions affect how you feel about yourself, you silly goose =]

    Guys you like said you were ugly?

    So you felt ugly.

    Your aunt said your nose was big?

    Now you want a nose job.

    I'm not going to criticize you for feeling insecure about yourself, because a lot of people do (including me)... just don't let it get to the point where you start developing problems

    (like being obsessed with cosmetic surgery...? or even suicide.)

  4. Girl, your going to have a hard, rough life if you continue to base your self worth on what others opinion of you is.  Especially at 15.  People in high school are cruel... DO NOT let them set you up for a life of insecurity.  What a horrible place to allow others to put you in!  You need to focus on you, and liking you. What do you do that you enjoy? What are you good at? and dont say nothing, cause we all have something! One thing I have learned is YOUR life is what YOU make it.  Dont let other people decide for you - its not worth it.  AND QUIT ASKING THEM FOR THEIR APPROVAL/COMMENTS.  its yours that matters.  

  5. In junior high school I was teased and taunted practically everyday. At times they would prank call my house cuz they got my number from the school directory. I have legal blindness and had to wear really thick glasses which magnified my eyes. Even after I got the contacts a few months later, it still didn't stop. Thank God I transfered to a different district totally in my town when I got to high school. I had a clean slate. I don't know how kids can put others down to make themselves feel superior. A lot of parents need a swift kick in the butt for how they raise their children.  

  6. I think the reason for why you are insecure is because you care Way too much about what others think. I used to be insecure like you, but I have learned to love my flaws because they make me different and real. So what if you have a big nose! Learn to love it because it adds character. Besides if those guys you liked are criticizing your looks so much then they are not right for you.  

  7. didn't u just explain the reason ur self in that long *** paragraph ?  

  8. maybe because you think your ugly.

    try working on a better self image.

    beautiful on the inside, and out.

  9. Sounds like you will always be insecure as long as you continue to reject your imperfections and not accept them.  A nose job will be a temporary fix and only add to the you view yourself.  That is what needs a "job."

  10. I'm 13 and I feel the same way. you just need to be positive if the only reason you feel insecure is ur nose s***w it! i have a big nose and looks dont matter!!!! maybe that scared you!? i know i used to be fat and ugly and have TERRIBLE acne but now my face is clearing up i lost 30 pounds (i actually fit into kids sizes now) and i started wearing makeup and i changed up my style and i just let myself BE. I've had lots of compliments from guys and LOTSA boyfriends and it makes me feel happy. I love that feeling where you feel pretty. and if a nose job will make you feel that way go ahead no ones stopping you but think "will this make me happy?" REALLY think tho no BS and then choose. My nose is HUGE and i dont really care we all have our imperfections and ours is our nose. So thank god your healthy and alive because people have much bigger problems than your nose.

  11. because i seen ur pic and ur right ...but u do have 20/20 vision

  12. well, ur prolly insecure because of what happend when u were in 5th grade. usually ways to gain confidence is by doing things that ur scared of. I mean, when u get ur nose jub u'll prolly feel great. but then u'll start critisizing urself and find somthing else wrong and wanna fix that. So u should prolly work on ur confidence. Like i had low self esteem, but then i started doing things i was scared of and i felt better because i conquered them.

  13. If you think that having a nose job is going make you feel better about yourself by all means go ahead. I think that the people in our inner circle such as our family and friends play a big role in ourself esteem. Your family should always be your cheerleader and if they are taking the time to criticize you, where does that leave you? I would suggest that you learn from now who the pivotal people are in your life. Surround yourself with people who encourage you to keep going when you have fallen short, those you point out your strengths more than your weaknesses. Try to eliminate "dream killers"or keep them on a short leash from your life and remember than when people are insecure about themselves they point out other people's faults so they can pull you down into the pit with them. Believe in yourself as well. That will improve your confidence/

  14. I'm going to be very honest with you.

    Ask yourself this, is that nose job really going to help you to deal with your insecurity issues?

    I think

    1) You care way too much what people say about you...When you listen and listen to what Every Body talks on your outer appearance. You'll end up with nothing.

    2) And no your mother is not dumb, I can tell she cares about you. And she's trying to make you feel good about yourself anyway she can. And she knows your beautiful, just like I know your beautiful..And she can;t help you. You can only help yourself..

    3)I think you need to listen to yourself before you listen to everybody else.

    Could you AT least get a little self esteem before you change your nose. Smile and look to see how beautiful you are, your best features your personality.

    And honey, once everyone sees how confident you are and that you smile your aunt will look past that nose.

    In fashion world, you know how beautiful they'll see your nose is, that should be your trademark.

    I think you should go to the mirror everyday, and stare at you face, and say what you do like about yourself. Forget the nose, and I don't want to hear 'nothing'

    Everyone has something, just PLEASE do it. Oh and Michael Jackson's dad use to say that about his nose, now look at him.

  15. who ever you are im sure your beautiful on the inside && out :]]

    answer mine;...

  16. the reasons u just said are the reason why i always let it get to me when ppl tell me stupid s h i t like that but u have to learn how to get over it about the nose job if ur gonna feel happy i say go for it but dont ever let any ppl put u down just think like this im better than u anytime they say sumthing stupid

  17. How old are you? When I was in 3rd grade all the way up until 9th grade, I've always been extremely insecure. I felt like I was so ugly and there was nothing pretty about me, I thought that I would never have a guy like me. In 3rd-7th grade I had big glasses, crooked teeth, chubby cheeks, messy hair, and ugly clothes....but then I got contacts, braces, lost the baby fat, changed my style and voila people noticed...guys liked me and I had friends! LOL...even though my style changed and I looked better physically I knew I was still insecure. Now that I am older I feel comfortable with myself and I love myself...I don't hate everything about me. I honestly do think it has to do with age, most girls are extremely insecure when they're younger but as they get older they learn to love themselves. You think your ugly because guys have told you...a few guys. There's going to be some guys that like the way you look.

    I use to want a nose job back then too. My dad made fun of my nose so much....just because it wasn't narrow and thin enough...but I look at it now and I see there is NOTHING wrong with it at all.

    Have you ever been told you were pretty? When people tell you that, you start to believe it. Some people will like you some people won't. There has been girls I felt were not attractive at all but she's bound to get somebody...even the FATTEST girls lol. Stop being a downer and be happier and have some personality and there will be good guys that will be after ya.

  18. coz u have low self esteem....dont be like this baby

  19. You're insecure because your mom is too dumb to tell you that you're beautiful the way you are.

  20. you are insecure because you are not happy/satisfied with your outward appearance. you probably think everyone is staring @ your nose. you feel insecure because you see other chicks who seem to be perfect and thrive to be just like them. you are insecure because you let other people's opinions get into your brain and s***w you over. you feel insecure because of what people have told you in your past.

    my advice? if you reaaaally want a nose job, get one. but if you think it will diminish all your insecurities, then you are wrong.

    remember that beauty is only skin deep. only you can get over your insecurities, a fake nose won't do the trick.  

  21. Maybe because your family and the people you are surrounded by put too much emphasis on physical appearence.The nose job will not chnge how you feel about yourself on the inside, sweety.I'm so sorry that you are going thru this and please don't be offended because it is obvious that you have your mind made up about the nose job, but after you get your nose fixed there will just be something else later that you don't like about yourself and will want to fix.Try talking to someone and get to the bottom of the real issues and fix those before you make any changes to your body.

    Your aunt should have never said that about your nose.That is just wrong.Not a very good role model and shame on your Mom for agreeing to a nose job...she may as well have said the same thing to you by agreeing to pay for it.

    I hope you figure this thing out and learn to love yourself.
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