
Why am i so jealous of the Jonas Brothers?

by  |  earlier

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I mean, they have such good looks and girls want them,whyyy???




  1. I don't see why ever guy isn't jealous of the Jonas Brothers.  They are hot, talented, and they've got about (not exaggerating) 1.5 million girls chasing after them.

  2. cuz they are amazing

    http://wisconsinjonasbrothersfan.blogspo... made by wisconsin fans for everyone to read

  3. Probably because your the cutest, but...girls just don't get it huh? :)

  4. WHY?

  5. "OmJ uR @ h8RrRrR!!11one!!!eleven!1"

    hahahahha wtf?

  6. You've answered your own question, but not all girls want them.

    Personally, I think they're horrible (And I don't think they are that good looking either. o_0 )

  7. I really don't know why girls want them. I guess its because girls want what MJ has.3Hawt young boys....well actually, 1 cause the other 2 are too old for me

  8. maybe because they are famous, have a ton of money, and are good looking. But they can't sing worth c**p!

  9. You are green with envy !

  10. OmJ uR @ h8RrRrR!!11one!!!eleven!1

    ^ typical response from a ""f@n gUrL""

    ms. jackson if you're nasty knows the reason!

    don't ya, MJ?!


  12. Who knows?

    I mean, personally, I don't think they're hot at all and I don't see this "musical talent" their fans keep swooning over!  

  13. everyguy should be jealus of them lol j/k

    but they do have great looks!! and they can sing!!. and they just rock!!

  14. Because they are awesome! Duhhhh!

  15. because they are openly g*y with each other and secretly you wish you were able to sleep with your own brother

  16. The Jonas Brothers should be jealous of the bands that actually play real music.

  17. You are hot.

    If those other girls don't want you, I do!

  18. looks like you just answered your own question....

    they're good looking and girls want them...that's why you're jealous

  19. well im a girl and im completely in love with them, you might be jealous because they are so popular and so many different talents, theyre parents just made really hott kids hahaha im sorry but im sure youll find someone special, but right now the jonas brothers are more popular than they ever were:D

  20. It's good marketing.   Heck, they market McDonald's and they marketed the K-car (look it up, youngsters).

  21. cause they are hot, famous, and every girl wants them you answered your own questions  

  22. cause they're AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    and hott...........haha

  23. I don't know why girls want them. I am a married, adult woman...but...when I see this trio of little boys, I can't help but wonder...they just look like emo little boys who are a little 'too' sensitive to the point of being almost homosexual. Almost. Not like it's a bad thing really, but it's very, very odd. Also, they are supposedly self proclaimed Christians...but then they're caught doing bad things such as sending and receiving naughty pictures with soon to be Lindse y Lohans..such as Miley Cyrus. I even checked them out on  YouTube. They sound very bad! I don't know what the heck is going on, but I can assure's just a trend. People follow a trend just because it's cool. Just be yourself, and a smart girl will catch on to what's important...over what's not.

  24. well they are famous and can sing a little i mean i don't like their music but they are pretty cool guys its maybe your girlfriend or a girl u like is in favor of them or something like that but they have girls because they are famous they look good because they have stylist lol one thing i hate about them lol their clothes well pants are really tight i m ean i dont want my pants hanging off my *** but atleast u should be able to breathe in them but yeah they have girls soo wat ane guy can get a girl firend ane guy can get many girls just get singing lessons and grow long hair  

  25. We want them because

    1. They are really cute

    2. They are really talented

    3. So down-to-earth

    4. Really cute and talented

    5. Seem like amazing guys. [And are amazing]

  26. cause they're famous...that's it

  27. becuz they have such good looks and they r hot thats why us girls want themi hate their music but oh d**n Joe Jonas(the middle brother and the hottest) he is so fine i hate Kevin he looks like a freakin leperchaun and Nick is super cute:)

  28. because they are


    fun personality



    and of course hot!

    and there is 3 of them!=]]]

  29. oMg iT'z bEcuZ tHeY'rE sooooooo hAwT!!!!!!!!111111

  30. How do you expect me to know you already answered yourself and your the only person convincing yourself that you should be jealous of them?

  31. cause they're testicles haven't descended yet. Once they do, theyll be what the backstreet boys are now.  

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