
Why am i so mad/upset lately?

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just for the last 2 weeks or so i have noticed that i am down in the dumps alot and the littlest things seem to p**s me off really bad. I havent changed my diet/sleep habits, and i exercise about 2 to 3 hours everyday. Any help is appreciated.




  1. same to me and IM 11 i get so mad i feel like im going to kill somebody i threw a fork at my brother because he said i looked fat and pushed him down the stairs i also pushed my mom down the stairs and i can lift 100 pounds is that bad i just get so mad and enraged i ranaway once and came back but 1 tiny thing makes me pissed at the world. hope i helped jkjk

  2. man i am the same way im only 15 and s**t is really getting to me and nothing is changing for me  i am home schooled and s***s easy my mom pisses me off really bad every one  acts like the understand but they dont  and i get so pissed that its hard to breath  i normally only can lift lke 290 pounds well today i got so pissed i threw a 500 pound engine block in to the back of the truck like it was nothing  i needd help

  3. i am the same way and just think about what well happen if i flip out on every one.. ... but i am only 15 so i would get in trouble if i yelled at my mom

  4. im asking my self the same thing so i cant help you i need some 1 to help me!!!!!!!

  5. wow i have the same problem sometimes but i just sleep it off it helps some times but not all the time or just find something or someone that will make you laugh

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