
Why am i so obsessed with babies and TTC?

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Yesterday i felt so excited as i drove to our local eddershaws store, they have a whole section on prams and all baby things. we are currently TTC, have been for about 4 months, not long i know. well when i arrived there i felt a little awkward and decided if anyone asked i would say i was looking for a present. but once inside i couldnt help but test out the pushchairs, and kept thinking about which i would have, I was taking it all sos eriously. Then the lady asked when was the pram needed and in my head this whole story came together, "oh its still quite early im only 14 weeks" i replied i couldnt help it, "i'm so excited just wanted to have a look at a few things" she congratulated me and i was loving it, i tested out the pram i liked the best, and i even asked prices etc, it all felt so real. i left smiling and did so all the way home, until i got in, realised it was all i bog joke, i wasnt pregnant, i didnt need a pushchair and i couldn't change it, and it left me heartbroken. why am i like this i really cant help it!!




  1. awwww.... maybe you have just become obsessed with the fact of being pregnant.. when you are stressed out its not going to be as fun to conceive... you have only been trying 4 monthes!!!!!!! im sure you will get pregnant and everything will be fine and you really can go shopping!!! im pregnant, and wasnt trying, and was on birth control.. i think god has a plan for everyone.

  2. Hey, we're all obsessed with babies and ttc on this site hun, don't worry about it! 4 months is not that long to try, I'm sure you'll get your bfp soon. Good luck and wish me luck too x

  3. You just want to have a baby.  I posted a similar question 2 months ago.  Turned out I was pregnant.  My husband and I were waiting 3 years before trying but all I could think about was babies.  When I posted the question I wanted to know what was wrong with me as well.  Turned out I was pregnant!  I had NO idea because we were actively NOT trying.  Unfortunately I miscarried this week at 9.5 weeks.  I think that sometimes our bodies dont go along with our brains or heart.  When we reach a certain age we start feeling that nudge for kids.  In my case I wanted to wait, however my body knew something I didnt at the time.  I am fine now.  I know I want to wait a few years.  I think it is harmless.  You are actively trying to get pregnant and you are just excited.  Baby dust to you.  It will happen soon enough.

  4. just relax ttry and put conceving out of u mind it will happen it took me 7mths to fall with 1st baby...

  5. Well apart from your "story-telling", we are just the same..

    Husband and i have been trying to conceive for the grand total of four months (lol) and i am already picking out the buggies that we like and as the hubby is a twin i am thinking about how i would cope with that as well. We have picked names etc. I feel like a complete and utter freak to boot. I wish i could go back to how i used to be, not overly bothered if i got pregnant or not!

    Being married to a man who is just baby bonkers is making me much worse! - One day we will get our BFP, i am just incredibly impatient.

    I think we get obsesses when we have our hearts set on something, i am sure that you will get your baby soon enough, just enjoy the baby dancing, and try not to think of it as "making babies"... We are just trying to have fun with it again, rather than making it a daily chore!!

    Baby dust!  x x

  6. I'm the same way. I could spend days just looking at the baby sections of stores. I decided that since it's such a passion of mine that I should have my career geared towards babies. Now i'm in school to become a nurse. Hopefully someday a midwife!

    We are also TTC in 18 days!

  7. you are normal god gave us these needs to keep the world going, do you really think wilthout those feeling we wopuld gp throigh 9 months of pucking . PAINFUL labor and raising them cute little farts lol

  8. I dont know if you believe in God, but His word says "Speak things as though they already are"  maybe it's in store for you, maybe your blessing is just right around the corner.

  9. i think theres so many out there who can sympathise with u hun.

    im exactly the same near enough, we've been ttc for 8 months with our 1st and still no luck.

    i often feel im pregnant every month n almost brainwash myself into beliveing it, which delays my period then i get happy, then i get a BFN then period then im sad all over again.

    people keep telling me (and u by the other answers) to relax and stop thinking about it so much but im like you, im so excited at the thought of havin a baby i cant help myself but walk round baby shops, and sneak a peak into every pram i see.

    i hope u will have your baby soon, good luck and remember all us women are like that at some stage, just proves how right it is for you to have a baby.


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