
Why am i so quiet all the time?

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It was my friend's birthday today, she invited some of her friends from dance class, cousins and boyfriend. I only knew her and her boyfriend, when I arrived at her house i was introduced to everyone and i was very quiet through out the day, everyone was playing basketball and messing about with each other while i was the quiet girl that didn't bother to say a word. One of the girls that were there asked me ''Why are you so quiet?'' ''It is scary.'' I never actually thought that i was extremely quiet, i laughed at some of their jokes even though some wernt even funny, I even tried to make a conversation with some of the other girls but i couldn't think of anything and kept saying '' I forgot your name, what is it again?'' My friend and one of the girls were whispering quite alot and the only thing that kept running through my mind was ''Are they talking about me''

I used to think that i was the talkative type but i have realised that when i am around new people i tend to shut up and behave shy.

What is wrong with me?




  1. There ain't anything wrong with you :) don't worry about it. A lot of people are shy around new people, thats normal. At least you made the effort. Your friend could have been whispering about a number of things. Next time, stay with the people you know and they will encourage you to interact more with the others. You did the right thing by making an effort :) x

  2. Just say, "Oh it just takes me a little while to warm up.  But once I get going I usually have a lot to say."

    Or you could go from this angle, "I guess I'm more of an observer and a thinker than a talker."  

  3. Maybe you were put in a place that you don't fit in, like a fish out of water. Have you been in a place where you are in a big crowd like this, and you were just yourself because you felt comfortable, even if you didn't know anyone? Maybe you're just getting yourself into the wrong crowds. I suggest looking around, trying out new people. Put yourself in this same position a lot, and either you'll get used to it or you'll find your crowd and that person you thought you were.

    Hope I helped.

  4. first of all you need to let yourself loose and chill..

    I mean U dont have to be All respectfull and kind ALL the time..

    break the rules here and then..

    be wise though.

    sometimes it may not be you it will be the people around u who dont know or dont like to talk to new people

  5. theres nothing wrong with you,you sound a bit like me.i can talk with the best of te gabbers but if the conversation is extremely dull i wont say anything and if they ask me if anythings the matter i just say yes your conversation is c**p,you have to see the faces of people when i say that,its got to be the most funniest situation you can imagine.just try it next time,but always reassure them at the end  that its just an ice breaker

  6. Im the exact same! while at relatives houses i just sit there thinking to myself 'what can i say' cousin even said i looked miserable at one point cuz i was just sat there, Im also very shy which is so annoying!! I think its due to anxiety for me, im forever thinking what shall i say which isn't boring? & stuff, im always asked if iv lost my tongue lol hopefully i'll stop it one day & u wil too, good luck x x

  7. It is nothing to ashamed of just because you are shy. You will outgrow that one day.

    Anyway, the people who listen learn more.

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