
Why am i so slow at running?

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I am short for a 7th grader(4ft9in) and all short people in my school are fast. I only weigh 85lbs. Whats my problem? How do i get faster?




  1. Just keep your chin up.

    dont ever give up.

    join the XC, track team if  you are not already in them.

    and you being short is not going to affect it.

    i have beaten people that are taller than me shorter than me the same height as me in races. just keep trying you will get there

  2. dont worry... in 6th grade i joined cross country (run a 1.5 miles in woods) && it was my first sport ever and im a girl, short and really skinny and i was really slow too. i ran almost everyday in the summer and spring to get in shape for the fall now im very good... just practice it really does make perfect

  3. you need to put on some more muscle and then u will get fast

  4. Well you can start with exercising. start going to gyms, your track, or just run around a couple of blocks. Your body should start ganing muscle and your will be used to running and other kids wont and your will beat them.

  5. Run sprints, and lots of them. You can also talk to a soccer or football coach to set up a program to increase your speed and endurance. Otherwise you dont really have a problem, you just need to grow up. Longer legs help. :D

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