
Why am i so slow/not improving?

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Today for cross country we ran a 2 mile time trial (it was really cool outside and there were a ton of hills) i got 21:21 and i got last, and no I'm definitely not a sprinter. I've been running since june (30+ minutes) and change up work outs like speed and long distance why am I so slow..and I feel like my endurance is not improving. I don't have any medical problems I am thin, 5'3 and 109pounds. I am 15 years old and a freshman.




  1. You just have to build up endurance by running a little faster every time you run. You will then become faster because you aren't in your comfort zone.

  2. I'm in the same boat as you, but I'm a sophomore. I had my time trial today and got 16:58 and 4th to last. I was hoping to finish in the 15s-14s. Maybe you were having a bad day or mentally not into the run. I know I could have done better, but the whole time I was like, "I hate this, I suck, this stupid fat girl who I'm always faster than is beating me..." and the like. I even started to tear up as I saw the girls ahead of me get smaller and smaller. Learn the lesson I learned. Be positive!  Don't worry too much about it. It was just a time trial, not a race. Just thinking about my trial, every girl ran a lot slower than expected. Our fastest girl is capable of running a 10:53 two mile, and she ran a 12:30. It's the beginning of the season and everyone is going to suck in the beginning, but you have to push through it. Like my coach says, "suck it up and run!" If you keep telling yourself you won't improve, you won't. If you look on the bright side and say, "okay, I got this", you will! Two years ago, a girl on the team came out and ran a 29:00 5k. A week later, she ran a 21:00. My own coach couldn't run a mile going into her freshman year of XC and ending up running a 19:33 5k as a junior. Please, just stick with it, give it your best shot, and I promise you'll improve.  

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