
Why am i so tired? and what can i do to help me?

by Guest64631  |  earlier

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Hi, i am male, 14 years old and have been getting up at 6:45 for school every morning since this time in 2005. i had been going to bed and sleeping around 11:00-11:30, but i started to feel REALLY run down.

so i started going to bed earlier, i am now asleep by 22:40 .



it's getting really difficult to concentrate in class, and other c**p,

this is important, if anyone can recommend ANYTHING i will be really grateful.

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  1. Have you got a new mattress recently, or is there more noise in your house late at night?

    It could be that even though you're going to sleep earlier, but you're not sleeping as heavily because something is not letting you to do so.

    Also, if you're stressing out about something, you're mind could still be on overdrive even when you sleep.

    Or it could also be that you're now having a growth spurt again, and that always requires more sleep.

    And the last reason I can think of is maybe you're slowly coming down with something.

    Check it with your doctor anyway if its been going on for quite a while, just to make sure it's nothing serious...

  2. i would talk to your doctor and see what they say - it could be a number of things.  

    to be on the safe side, get checked out for the epstein-barr virus ( as that is a pretty common reason for excess fatigue.  i actually have it and so does my husband.

    nonetheless, get checked out to get you healthy and enjoying life again.

    best of luck and i hope this helps.

  3. I have the answer...

    I had this same problem last year so I tlked 2 my doctor.

    He said that the cause was my caffine intake.

    See caffine from tea, or soda, even diet soda, even if it feels like it has no affect it really affects ur heart. Like an energy drink does. See it makes ur heart pump faster and raises ur pulse. So it makes it harder 4 ur body and mind 2 get rest cuz they r still "at work" so 2 speak.

    Another issue could b u aren't active enough. Start running or do some stretchs. It helps ur stamina so u can do more a day.

    At first ull feel run down but after awhile ur body will ajust.

    Next, it could b ur mind is 2 hyper. Always thinking. Try 2 clear ur mind with .music before u go 2 bed.

    This all helped me. Hope it helps u.

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