
Why am i so tired? lately i've just been amazingly blah and zonked out.?!?!

by  |  earlier

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Lately, since it is my summer break i stay up till 12:35 am(?) and sleep till around 8/9/10 am....

that is a perfect amount of sleep, i say.

i don't understand.

im 13, turning 14 and that is the correct hours of sleep, so what could be up?

i guess it could be from just sitting around all day and getting used to it.

im not overweight or anything...

just a normal 13 yr old whos tired and doesnt know why...

thx, all answers are appreciated.




  1. What are you eating? If you eat a lot of sugar and simple carbs (soda, white flour, bagels, cereal and most anything that comes in a box or you can microwave) then that will have a huge impact on your system. At your age your body is also regulating its hormones and your diet has a very significant impact on that.

    The other things which would affect you in this way are smoking (nicotine, not only addictive, but a stimulant) and drinking (depressant); both of which you shouldn't TOUCH simply due to your age. But if you are, that could be a big problem too.

    ARe you excercising at all, or sitting in front of the TV/computer/gameboy/textphone/other all day? Get outside and get your body moving.

    If you are doing the above things, you should be feeling well and not tired. If you still are, you may have something else going on and you should have lab work done by the doctor. Start with your diet, though--what we eat has a huge affect on how we feel, but it is the most overlooked.

    BTW, our bodies run on specific cycles, and you are definitely getting to bed way too late. You should be in bed by 9:30 and asleep by 10. I know you say you are getting the "correct amount of hours" but WHEN we get those hours matters a lot too. Your body goes into, for instance, a digestive phase by (I think) around 10 or 11 and counts on the rest to be able to divert the energy to digestion (which really takes a lot of energy). So sleep/rest 9 hours at the correct time.

  2. anemic...get some mulit vitamins with iron

  3. Get up and start doing something to get your blood moving.  When the blood circulates, the oxygen gets into the body better and you will have some energy.  Eat healthy foods, forget junk foods, drink lots of water, and take a multivitamin every day.  If this all doesn't work, you might visit the doctor and tell him what you are doing.  I think you will be alright though.  

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