I was in B&Q earlier buying stuff to dispose of Mrs PG 2.0.
I heard this squeaky essex voice, looked up and saw an amazing red haired fox clip clopping down one of the aisles.
It reminded me of when mrsGC came clip clopping down the aisle on our wedding day and so i came over all 'Proper' and bagged meself yet another Y!wife (i've now had a blonde, a brunette and a goose so we should be ok this time)
Trouble is this> i have to consumate the marriage in a minute and mrs PG 2.0 and Mrs PG 1,1 are still under the bed which she may find a bit off-putting. What should i do, would it be better to prop them up in the lounge and pretend my shy sisters have come to stay? If i can keep them apart i could be ok.
Please help.