
Why am i sooooooo weird???

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i m just toooo weird...and it is like everyone i talk to they tell me that i m weird in like less than an hour? but i don't really know wat's so weird about me or if i say something wrong?? my sun sign is pisces moon is virgo and rising is cancer and i m not sure if it has something to do with my sign or wat?


i don't get along well with my dad he is aquarius?




  1. no. just be your self.

  2. maybe its because you believe in astrology.... duh

  3. It doesn't have ANYTHING to do with those. Some people are just naturally weird. It's ok if people tell you you are. It's okay to be different. Even if you are Aquarius or Cancer or Pisces, it has nothing to do with those signs. I think. lol.

  4. birth defect?

  5. I think only a therapist can answer THAT.

  6. maybe it could be the signs gotta be real, stick to the ground, and whatever you say, make sure it makes sense....get down from the clouds because I think that's the problem

  7. Your astrological sign has nothing to do with anything.  If you think it does, then that explains your weirdness.

  8. I'm Aquarius also...wanna fight?

  9. maybe if u stop believing in BS like "wut the stars tell me" maybe u will be less weird?

  10. Will what do you do to make people think this. Some examples would help me to answer. BTW, I'm an Aquarius and don't get along with my Pisces dad as well.  

  11. those people are weird for saying your weird all the time. thats just....weird. lol. as for sighs some people fit in with them some dont. i fit im but my friend is a virgo and shes a social butterfly. astrological signs aren't everything.

  12. hahahha omg me too.

    everyone calls me phsyco.

    i dont think your zodiac has to do with it though.

    i think you just like to have fun and no one respects that =[

  13. All of that is completely based on your personality ^^ A lot of people call others weird if they act differently from themselves. Don't worry, it's not like a disease or nothin ^_^ Also, the whole 'signs' depends on your beliefs. All I can say is good luck with your dad =]

  14. ppl who think they are weird...really aren't. it's a common thing to believe ur weird.

    no prob..

    and like somebody else may be trying to hard to be different. are u as weird as u think?

  15. you aren't weird. You are unique. And people need to learn to accept that. But being unique is a good thing. Plus it's more fun. lol. Hope i helped

  16.'s my answer

    -Cancer rising makes you quiet and shy and not open up around people until you are totally comfortable around them...especially if the people you hang around make you feel like you are weird then you will definately clam up around them which will make it worse.

    -your sun sign is opposite your moon sign so your sun (ego) is on the total opposite side of things than your moon (emotions) are which definately causes some conflicts within yourself when you try to express yourself.

    -Also I don't know what other water signs you have but cancer and pisces are water signs and these are very emotional.  

    Hope I helped you...knowing what info you gave me that is the answer why I think people perceive you as weird....and by the rising sign is cancer :)

  17. you try to hard.

  18. Sounds like you act super immature around people. My friend is also like this. Sometimes you just cant stand to be around them (in this case, you). Try settling down and focusing less on yourself. Consider how you are perceived. Horoscopes are cool to read, stupid to believe in.Work on your relationships with people.  

  19. You know, in today's society a lot of people don't like anything out of the ordinary and if you are into something they don't know about or something they think is out of the ordinary they will think you are weird.

    don't let it bother you, instead try to find people who are into the same things you are into.

    Try putting an ad on Craigslist for friends who are into the same things you are.

    Perhaps it is your sense of humor, they may think that is weird, but trust me, there is someone out there that will appreciate you for you, you just have to be patient until you find them and don't worry about what people think.

    A lot of people just want to fit in and don't know how to be different, but if you are, you should be glad.

  20. I know why I am thought to be weird at times......b/c i am more intelligent (in an all around sense) than most ; D

    it pisses off my aquarian dad and bf--they are so used to being the prime know-it-alls......until i got dropped into the picture ; D

    i gets flustered sometimes, b/c it's hard to manage so much intelligence in one little being.

  21. weirdo

  22. Don't believe it has anything to do with your sign. My sign is supposed to be adventurous and s**y and I am far from being s**y and as much as I would love to be adventurous, I won't go far with it, and frankly, I can say I haven't done anything close to adventurous aside from crazy stuff that was done in the spur of the moment, but that's not the same thing. I am also considered weird by everyone I meet. My sign is popular while I'm far from it and like it this way. You need to ask yourself who you talk to and what you tell people, because some people may think you're weird for taking up a sport they would never get involved in, while others may just think you're weird because of the way you look. I hope you can find friends who won't label you anything and will just love you for who you are and they'll appreciate you for you. Forget what anyone else tells you.

    Also, none of the signs I'm supposed to get along with are signs I care for. They are all full of themselves and think they own the planet.

    Accept yourself for who you are and if others can't do it, then it's their loss. We all have positive and negative traits, no one can deny this. If you wanna be a better person, work on whatever issues you have and find new people to talk to. It doesn't hurt to not talk to anyone for a while so that you can focus on working on yourself a little more.

  23. hey buddy,

    there is no such thing are the normal human being

    everybodys a little 'different'

  24. well i think we need to meet first then ill be able to better put my finger on whats so weird about you. im not sure about the sun and moon but i do kno virgos are weird people anyway they will tell you one thing an it be something totally different. or like they'll tell you, yall are going out on the town for the weekend and wont tell you plans are changed until your all dressed up and ready to go. so my guess would be that you act more like a virgo than your true sign. Now pisces people are supposed to be really nice like they'll give you their last. but im not really sure like i said we need to meet first.

  25. Wow.  don't follow your signs.  they don't define who you are.  At most they give you tips and hints. but not actual answers to your questions.  

  26. U may not be u just think you are

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