
Why am i still nervous?

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ok.. so tomrrow i start school again and i am super nervous i know i am going into 8th grade and i keep telling myself i am not nervous and i still kind of am what can i do?




  1. Alright alright

    When I was going into 8th grade last year, I was unbelieveably nervous. Like you have no idea! I stayed up til 2am just thinking. It was a real problem. Your nervous because your mind is not at ease. Drink some milk, watch a movie with the lights off. Something boring. And just dose off. Do 100 crunches to get yourself tired. You'll have fun in school

  2. be positive and be confident everything will be ok not matter what grade you go into you will always be nervous but more than nervous i think your excited, i always have been that way to and I'm going into my first year of college and I'm really nervous too good luck  

  3. Take some deep breaths and realize that everyone is there in the same boat. You arent the new kid coming in the middle of the school year, everyone is the new kid, so get over your anxiety.  

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