
Why am i suddenly having foul underarm <span title="issues??????????.....HELP!!!!!!!!!!!?">issues??????????.....HELP...</span>

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i have never had sweating prblems and i have worn the same deodrant for years and years(i ahve two kids so im hitting puberty) and so i ahve switched and still nothing works!!!!!

whast wrong with me??? i dont even sweat and hey start to stink!!




  1. LOL!  I was thinking that if you were hitting puberty with two kids that must have been difficult.  

    I also have two kids and no deodorant is working as well as I want it to for me right now.  I use 3 different ones and alternate everyday and that seems to help.  It&#039;s hormones.  My body chances every so often and I have to start using all new products to stay clean and dry.  The new platinum secret is working great for my sister, so I&#039;m going to try that next.

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