
Why am i supose to walk my horse befor riding her?

by  |  earlier

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people say im supoes to do that and no one can tell me why can you?




  1. it gives her muscles a chance to warm up before you ride.

    just like you would stretch before a gym workout.

  2. To give them time to warm up their muscles. Just like humans they need a warm up or they are more likely to pull or strain a muscle

  3. It's for the girth. So you can make sure he/she has let out all the air. To make it tight!

  4. It is to warm up her muscles.  You would not try to run a race without stretching and warming up before hand would you?

    In the same way you should always walk your horse for 5 minutes or so after you have been riding to allow her to cool down.

  5. its like a warm up

    to loosen up the muscles and get the blood moving

  6. because a horses muscles need 2 stretch before u ride them. it decreases the chance of the horse gettin a serious injury (pulling a muscle). nd its a good habit 2 get into before a comp just 2 calm ur horse down from all the excitment

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