
Why am i the only one?

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in my family who has hazel eyes.

i have 5 brothers they all have plain brown eyes. there all pretty much the same shade.

my real dad my my mom are mexican, and have plain brown eyes.

and i have hazel eyes and they change know and then from like an olive green or like a honey color. some other ones too, but those are the main ones. i know where i got the from. my real dad had irish on his side of the family. so im guessing i got it form my descendents. but why did i get them. 1/6. is that like rare?

or does it happen all the time?




  1. One of your ancestors had hazel eyes and you got it from them.

  2. Well, it doesn't happen 'all' the time, but it happens a lot.

    In my family, my sister has hazel eyes and the rest of us have brown eyes, all quite dark including my brother. His wife's eyes are also brown, but both their kids have hazel eyes.

    You could figure it out by genetics I guess, but really, hazel eyes are beautiful and yours sound as though they are lovely, and very expressive!

    Try to be glad you are a little special instead of worrying about not being the same as everyone else.

    Best wishes :-)

  3. Nothing to do with eye colour, but that 1/6 is annoying me, because via simple genetics, the probability of a double recessive is 1/4, obviously simple genetics doesn't apply, but you can't simply state 1/6 as the value, take flipping of coins for example, you flip a coin, and get 5 heads and 1 tail, so clearly the chance of getting a tail is 1/6... (It isn't by the way)

    You see my point yes?

  4. It's like a throw-back it's like twins don't come out in every generation do they? My mum was the only one of her siblings to have brown eyes they all had blue, but yet my sister was the only one with blue eyes out of all five of us

  5. You got it because both of your parents carried the recessive gene for hazel eyes. You managed to inherit a hazel eye gene from both of them and so you have hazel eyes. If you only inherited the gene from one parent you would have brown eyes because  brown is dominant, and if a person carries a brown eye gene and a hazel eyes gene, that person will have brown eyes, but have the ability to have a baby with hazel eyes if the baby inherits the hazel gene from the other parent

  6. dissimilarities crop up all the time in family issues, i wouldnt really worry, it isnt rare i dont think, two members of my family had colour changes up til their late thirties, my daughter also has this change over, i find it nice

  7. Sometimes eye color genes are present.

  8. It depends on your genotype.This is what you DON'T see.  Everyone has 2 sets of alleles that express for a particular trait. If both are dominant, then that's what is expressed, this is your phenotype. If both are dominant, this is considered homozygous.  If you have both a dominant and a recessive allele,then that particular gene is considered heterozygous.  When two people with heterozygous genes reproduce, you have probabilities of dominant, heterozygous, and recessive traits.  

    This is why a couple that has say..brown hair..can have a redheaded child.  Red hair is double recessive.  I use that example because I'm a  Like if you took someone that was Xy and crossed with someone that was Xy, you'd get XX, Xy, Xy, and yy. And say the yy is what shows red hair.  3 people would have brown hair while the yy person would be the double recessive, and have red.  

    I could explain it a lot better to someone who understands genetics and probability.  But in this little space it's kind of hard.  
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